limboole is a tool for checking satisfiability and tautology on arbitrary logical formulas.
Check out the project home at the Institute for Formal Models and Verification.
This is a simple boolean calculator. It reads a boolean formula and checks whether it is valid. In case '-s' is specified satisfiability is checked instead of validity.
The input format has the following syntax: expr ::= iff iff ::= implies [ <-> implies ] implies ::= or [ -> or ] or ::= and { | and } and ::= not { & not } not ::= basic | ! not basic ::= var | ( expr )
and 'var' is a string over letters, digits and the following characters:
- _ . [ ] $ @
The last character of 'var' should be different from '-'.
Please get the 'limmat' SAT solver (version >= 1.2) and unpack it in the same directory where you have unpacked 'limboole'. Before you compile 'limboole' you have to generate 'liblimmat.a' in the 'limmat' subdirectory. Then change to the 'limboole' subdirectory and issue 'make' to compile it. This should also generate the test suite 'testlimboole'. Run it to check that everything works.
There is also a small utility 'dimacs2boole' that can be used to translate CNF formulae in DIMACS format to the input format of 'limboole'.
Armin Biere, Computer Systems Institute, ETH Zurich Die Nov 5 10:52:44 CET 2002