View the project [here] (
- [windowAndDoor.js] (scripts/windowAndDoor.js): contains functions to create doors and windows.
- [fpsAnimation.js] (scripts/fpsAnimation.js): is the code used to switch between trackball system and PointerLock.
- [Furniture.js] (scripts/Furniture.js): used to import all of the .obj and .mtl files added in the scene.
- [init.js] (scripts/init.js): initializes all the variables,import larcc model and creates the dwelling and takes care of the rendering.
- [light.js] (scripts/light.js): contains functions to create lamps and lighting system.
- [gui.js] (scripts/gui.js): contain graphical user interface of system.
- [Animations.js] (scripts/Animations.js): contains all the animation assignement functions.
- [ParticlesEffects.js] (scripts/ParticlesEffects.js): creates effects using particle system.
- [textureUtility.js] (scripts/textureUtility.js): contains functions for the creation of textured meshes.
- [wallFloor.js] (scripts/wallFloor.js): is where all the textured planes are created.
- [objectAnimation.js] (scripts/wallFloor.js): contains functions to animate some specific objects
- Bump map and normal map
- Textures
- Tween animations
- .obj and .obj/.mtl models import
- Skybox
- PointerLockControl
- FPSControl
- Object-Picking
- Particle System
- Dynamic video texture
- WebRTC WebCam
- Audio distance fade
- Sound effects
- Doors and handles: open/close (with sound effect)
- Windows and handles: open/close
- Television: turn it on/off and change tv channel (with sound fade)
- Cooker: light the fires
- Toilet flushing button: push it and stare at the flush (with sound effect)
- Computer monitor: Windows XP startup + webcam (with sound fade)
- Light switches: switch up/down and make lamps light on/off
- Car : drive the car (with sound effect)
- AndroidGame: plays with the Android characters (with sound effect)