WeConnect provides a platform that brings businesses and individuals together. This platform creates awareness for businesses and gives the users the ability to write reviews about the businesses they have interacted with.
The API has been built with:
- Flask micro-framework (Python 3.6)
- To preview the UI, proceed to https://alexmochu.github.io .
- The UI Templates have been hosted on Github Pages
- To access the API hosted on the Heroku cloud platform -->> https://weconnect-v1-api-heroku.herokuapp.com/
- Access the API documentation at "https://weconnectapiv1.docs.apiary.io/#"
- Users can be able to register and create an account
- Registered users can be able to log in
- Once logged in, the user can create a business. The business needs to be in a category so he/she can either choose a category that is created or create his/her own.
- Each business created can has an ID and a unique business name
- Logged in users can query all businesses or a single business by its ID
- Only logged in users have the privilege of creating and viewing businesses
- The logged in user can also view, update or delete the categories
- Ensure you have installed Python3.6+, created and an activated a virtual environment.
- Clone the repo in your local machine inside the virtual environment you have created.
- Navigate to the project folder(WeConnect-API-oop-)
- Install all the requirements of the project by typing:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Type:
export FLASK_APP=run.py
flask run
- Install Pytest :
pip install pytest
- Run tests:
Resource URL | Methods | Description |
/api/v1/auth/register | POST | User Registration |
/api/v1/auth/login | POST | User Login |
/api/v1/auth/reset-password | POST | User can be able to reset password |
/api/v1/auth/logout | POST | Logs out User |
/api/v1/category | POST | Create a business category |
/api/v1/category | GET | Retrieve all created categories |
/api/v1/category/<category_name> | PUT | Updates a business category |
/api/v1/category/<category_name> | DELETE | Deletes a business category |
/api/v1/<category_name>/business | POST | Create a business with unique ID and business name |
/api/v1/<category_name/business | GET | Retrive all business created |
/api/v1/business/<business_id> | PUT | Updates a business profile |
/api/v1/business/<business_id> | GET | Retrive a business by ID |
/api/v1/business/<business_id> | DELETE | Remove a business |
/api/v1/business//reviews | POST | Add a review for a business |
/api/v1/business//reviews | GET | Get all reviews for a business |