Warning: This is alpha software right now and is open to wiledly breaking suggestions
Tasker is a task manager that's built on top of OperationQueue and GCD that has notions of interception and reaction. Interceptors
allow you to modify a task before it's executed and also allow you to control the execution of a task (e.g. batch them, hold them, cancel them, etc.). Reactors
allow you do something in reaction to the a task's completion before the result is passed to the caller (e.g. run a job, requeue the task, cancel the task, etc).
Tasker also provides task managerment of URLSession
and async/await functionality
- Concurrent task management system
- Task interception and enrichment
- Task requeing and reaction functionnality
- Spcialized URLSession handling to intercept and reactor to URLRequests
- Async and await functionality
- Async/await on an arrays of tasks
// Create a task object
class MyTask: Task {
typealias SuccessValue = (data: Data?, response: URLResponse?)
func execute(completion: @escaping CompletionCallback) {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error {
} else {
completion(.success(data, response))
// Or create a task out of anything else
let t = task(someLongRunningFunction())
// Run it in one of three ways:
// Await
do {
let a: MyTask.SuccessValue = try MyTask().await()
let b = t.await()
} catch {
// error
// Async
MyTask().async { result in
// got result
// TaskManager
TaskManager.shared.add(task: MyTask()) {result in
// got result
A task is any unit of work that is to be carried out. It is protocol based and has a main function called execute
that is called when the task is supposed to be executed. When a task is completed, a callback with a Result<T, Error>
is called by the implementation of the Task
class DecodeImage: Task {
func execute(completion: @escaping Result<DecodedData, Error>) {
fetchImageData { data in
do {
let decodedData = data.decode()
} catch {
Note that tasks are reference types. They must be because they are easier to reason about and they can be intercepted and reacted to so if we made copies and passed them around you'd have to be very careful with state. When a task is finished, the completion
callback is called with the result of the task.
If for any reason, the task is cancelled, the task's didCancel
function is called and you are free to handle that as you see fit. For e.g.
class DecodeImage: Task {
var task: URLSessionTask
func execute(completion: @escaping Result<Data, Error>) {
task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(...)
func didCancel(with error: Error) {
// Cancel your URLSessionTask
There're a number of ways you can create a task. One is by implementing the Task
protocol, as we've seen above. And then there're a number of other ways:
: This type can be used to create a task out of a blockAnyTask { 5 } // Task that returns 5, no failure value AnyTask { Result<Int, Error>.success(5) } // Task that returns Result<T, Error> AnyTask { cb in cb(.success(5)) } // Task that calls the done callback
: This creates a task closing over it's valuelet t = task(closingOver: someLongOperation())
: Creates a task out of functions that have a compatabledone
callback:let f1: (() -> T) -> Void = //... let t1 = task(executing: f1) let f2: (() -> Result<T, Error>) -> Void = //... let t2 = task(executing: f2)
To start a task you can either
- create a
instance - use the default one provided
- call
on it
// Create a task
let manager = TaskManager()
manager.add(task: DecodeImage())
// Use the default
TaskManager.shared.add(task: DecodeImage())
Tasks are started as soon as you add them. You can also choose to start one later, or after a specific interval:
// Start a task later:
let handle = TaskManager.shared.add(task: DecodeImage(), startImmediately: false)
// ...
// Start a task after some interval
TaskManager.shared.add(task: DecodeImage(), after: .seconds(30))
Everytime you add a task you get back a handle that can start or cancel a task. You can also query the state of a task, each task is given an incremented identifier.
Every task is intercepted before it is executed by the TaskManager
that owns it. You can control how a task is intercepted by implementing a Interceptor
, which has one method:
func intercept<T: Task>(task: inout T, currentBatchCount: Int) -> InterceptCommand
Intercept is called with a reference to the task that is about to be executed. You can modify the reference to the task and the command you return will determine what happens to the task. One of the parameters is a currentBatchCount
; this is there because you can hold
a task, so this tells you how many is held. Useful for batching events to an analytics system for e.g. See the docs for details on InterceptCommand
You enable an interceptor by passing an array of interceptors to a TaskManager
object upon creation only.
After a task is done executing, it's time for reactors to be called. Reactor
s allow you to re-process a task if the need arises, or cancel a task that you deem unworthy to complete. You enable reactors by passing an array of them to a TaskManager
object upon creation (just like interceptors).
A reactor is first asked if it is supposed to execute. It is given the task that just completed, the result of that task's execution, and the task handle that owns it. If Reactor.shouldExecute(...)
returns true, then Reactor.execute(...)
function is called.
Every reactor can have its own ReactorConfiguration
, which can control how the TaskManager
behaves while a reaction is in progress. For example if you want no more tasks to be executed while you are executing the reactor, or if you want to re-execute the task that caused this reaction, after the reactor is done.
Whenever you add a task to a task manager, you get back a handle that is unique to that task. The Handle
can be used to cancel a task.
let handle = TaskManager.shared.add(task: DecodeImage(), startImmediately: false)
// ...
And then Task.didCancel(...)
is called in response to that with TaskError.cancelled
. The didCancel
method could also be called as a result of other errors.
An interceptor is only run once on a task by default. The case where you would want to re-reun an interceptor would be if a reaction caused a requeuing of the task. In that case, whether or not a task is reintercepted depends on the reactor configuration. You can set ReactorConfiguration.reinterceptOnRequeue
to control this behavior.
Async await functionality comes out of the box with Tasker. You can execute a Task
you create directly synchronously or asynchronously by calling the extension async
or await
functions on your task:
do {
let data = try DecodeImage().await()
} catch {
DecodeImage().async { result in
can be called on any expression as an @autoclosure
async(loadVideoFileSync()) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(videoFile):
case let .failure(error):
And await
can be called on any closure that has the following signatures:
@escaping (@escaping (T) -> Void) -> Void
@escaping (@escaping () -> Void) -> Void
@escaping (@escaping (Result<T, Error>) -> Void) -> Void
Each of the closures has a single parameter. One that returns a T
which is the result of the await
operation. One that retuns nothing, i.e. await
returns Void
and one that returns a Result<T, Error>
object. If the result is a failure, then await
let number = try? await { (done: @escaping (Int) -> Void) -> Void in
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .unspecified).async {
// Do some long running calculation
done(5) // return 5
XCTAssertEqual(number, 5)
There are extensions available on the Array
type that you can use to call async
or await
on an array of tasks of the same type.
var tasks: [Task] = []
for i in 0..<10 {
tasks.append(AnyTask { i })
let results = try! tasks.await()
You can choose to execute the tasks in order or not.
The idea behind the URLTaskManager is that it creates a URLSession object that is tied to a TaskManager
so that you can call interceptors and reactors on URLRequest
s. This is very useful for example if you need to add headers to all your requests that are going out. You simply add an interceptor that inserts an authorization header. If for e.g. you need to refresh any tokens after a URLRequest
fails, a reactor can come in handy - requeue the task, fetch a new auth token, and done.
To create a URLTaskManager you can optionally pass in a URLSessionConfiguration
(just as you would when creating a URLSession
object), and an array of URLTaskInterceptor
s and URLTaskReactor
let urlTaskManager = URLTaskManager(interceptors: [MyInterceptor()], reactors: [Myreactors()])
And then you use the internal URLSession
object to make requests
urlTaskManager.session.dataTask(with: URL(...)) { data, response, error in
// the URLTask that's associated with this will be intercepted and reacted to
// by MyInterceptor and MyReactor
The URLTaskManager
works with a type URLTask
which encapsulates a URLRequest
object. The URLTask
is the Task
object that you can intercept with a URLTaskInterceptor
or react to with a URLTaskReactor
Here we create a task interceptor that contains a hypothetical user object and adds an authorization header for the user object whenever the request is going to go out:
class Interceptor: URLTaskInterceptor {
// ...
func intercept(task: inout URLTask, currentBatchCount _: Int) -> InterceptCommand {
.addValue(self.user.authorization, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
return .execute
And here we have a reactor that also contains a hypothetical user object and performs a OAuth2 token refresh operation when the result is a 401 failure:
class Reactor: URLTaskReactor {
func execute(done: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// For example one could refresh the authorization tokens here
user.refreshAuthorizationToken { result in
switch result {
case .success:
case let .failure(value):
func shouldExecute(after result: URLT.Result, from task: URLTask, with _: Handle) -> Bool {
// One can return true if there's a 401 UNAUTHORIZED http response code.
if case let .success(value) = result {
return value.(response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode == 401
return false
Logging facilities are provided by the library for debugging purposes mainly. To enable them you need to add a transport to the shared logger:
Logger.shared.addTransport { print($0) }
The above will log all messages to stdout. There's also a number of filters that can be applied if you want to debug certain parts. The filters revolve around tags and there're a number of redefined tags that the shared logger uses. See LogTags
in the docs