MSc Spaceflight at TU Delft.
✉️ antonlopezr99 (gmail)
- Tudat Space State-of-the-art platform and community for astrodynamics and space research.
MPL Plotter Publication-quality data representation library based on Matplotlib.
Huracan Open source, 0-dimensional, object-oriented airbreathing engine modelling package.
MATMOS Direct and inverse atmospheric model library.
Transforms Python coordinate frame transform library.
Stoich Concise and simple stoichiometry library.
OneNote Exporter Export your OneNote note collection to plain text.
Anchorage Save your bookmark collection in the Internet Archive, or locally.
Sift Drifting object tracking program for use in search and rescue missions.
gantt.xslx Simple and handsome Gantt charts in Excel.
Mirage Literate, layer-based Emacs configuration framework.
TU Delft AE Study Planner TU Delft Aerospace Engineering BSc GPA calculator and exam planner.
- IAC 2024 LaTeX template Unofficial LaTeX template for the 2024 International Astronautics Conference.