This package is a module of Dolibarr GitHub/Dolibarr
You can freely use, study, modify or distribute it according to its licence.
The module is part of the doliFARM suite. - GitHub/grillol.
doliCMR allows the CMR waybill to be generated from the shipment information.
NB. This module is still in an embryonic stage.
It was developed for a specific case Mandala OG and there are several aspects to be improved. Not least, the e-CMR project needs to be evaluated.
It works parsing product description with the following format:
Abricots Tsunami | Apricots Tsunami BIO
108 X 6kg = 648kg (694.5kg BRUT)
Lotto N. 4390869
This module requires a Dolibarr platform installation. It has been tested for the version > 13
Translations can be completed manually by editing files into directories langs.
It follows the standard installation for the Dolibarr module. For more information: official Dolibarr documentation.
- Elaborate different CMR starting from the same shipment
- Provide API for external access to the CMR
DoliCMR is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (GPL-3+).
See the COPYING file for a full copy of the license.
Other licenses apply for some included dependencies. See COPYRIGHT for a full list.
All texts and readmes are licensed under GFDL.