It is a ruby Wrapper of [jodconverter][2] Which is used to convert office format to another office format/html [2]:
./script/plugin install git://
JDK 1.5.x or 1.6.x
OpenOffice 2,3 or greater
Start Office with headless mode.
soffice -headless -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" -nofirststartwizard
These are the default settings which can be overwritten in your enviroment configuration file.
ConvertOffice::ConvertOfficeConfig.options = {
:java_bin => "java", # java binary
:nailgun =>false, # for nailgun support
:soffice_port=>8100 # Open office port no
If destination file is known.destination file consist valid file format,dest_file)
If format is known then,"",format)
To see valid format for conversion.
ConvertOffice::ConvertOfficeFormat.display_valid_format(input file name/format optional field)
To speed up conversion process using nailgun server,do following steps
./script/plugin install git://
Start nailgun server.Before starting nailgun server make sure that your classpath environment variable set and point to jre/lib
rake nailgun
script/nailgun start
you have to overwrite Configuration make nailgun option to true Now after making nailgun option true run
rake convert_office
Copyright (c) 2010 [amardaxini][1], released under the MIT license [1]: