Simple script to verify if primary and secondary databases are in sync
$ ./db-checksum -h
./db-checksum --database instant_gem \
--primary "-D instant_gem -uroot -proot -h --ssl-mode=DISABLED" \
--secondary "-D instant_gem -uroot -proot -h --ssl-mode=DISABLED" \
--limit 1000 --offset 2000 --tables "'sites', 'purchases'"
Required parameters:
-p, --primary mysql connection string to connect primary DB
-s, --secondary mysql connection string to connect secondary DB
-D, --database database name
Optional arguments:
-T, --tables=tables table names, as quoted CSV
eg., "'sites', 'purchases'"
-l, --limit=limit limit records to scan for checksum
-o, --offset=offset read records from offset
If the value is negative, reads last 'n' records
-m, --mode=mode mode of running checksum, default is row
available options are [ row | chunk | table ]
row: picks 'limit' records of a table and do row wise md5
chunk: picks 'limit' records of a table and do grouped md5
table: does table checksum
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase the verbosity of the bash script
--recent, -r does checksum for recent records (order by id desc)
--dry-run do a dry run, dont change any files
- Correctness
- Robust. support for table whitelisting, row / chunk/ table based checksum
- Hackable.
- Debuggable. the intermediate files stores the SQL for verification
- Minimal dependency (mysql client & shell)
- Interoperability
- Performance
- mysql client
- shell (tested with bash)