This project is about an imaginary room with some sensors and
A radiator with electronic valve to keep the room's temperature
on 22C as desire temp.
the project has been dockerized for simplicity of implementation.
####The project has decided into two parts
- Controller(Which its role is to received messaged and calculates average of temperature and control the radiator)
- Sensors(Which get the temperature from a sensor and create and sends a message to the brocker)
Each part has its own topic in the broker: * radiator/room-1 for controller * readings/temperature for sensors
Regarding setting radiator level I found peace of code on internet after searching about it , I should mention there are different methods of manipulation. ####List of containers: * Mosquito * Controller * Sensor 1 * Sensor 2 * Sensor 3
You can add more sensors by editing docker-compose file and also you should set ip address of broker as well in the file
- Check and update docker-compose file according to your need and number of sensors you want
- Build and run containers with the help of docker compose
docker-compose up -d
- Run following command to execute a Mosquito container
docker run -it -p --name=mosquitto toke/mosquitto
- Run the following command to execute a controller container
docker exec -it controller python3
- Run the following command to execute a sensor(You should modify the sensor container name for more sensors)
docker exec -it sensor1 python3
- Run the following command to execute a sensor container command
docker exec -it sensor2 python3
- Run the following command to execute a sensor container command
docker exec -it sensor3 python3
####Used technologies:
- Mosquito(It's light and suitable in comparison with other brokers like Rabbitmq and Kafka and also possible to use it in some devices like Raspberry Pi and Arduino)
- Python
- Threads for multi-threading process and speed up the code
- Numpy library to create a uniform array for get temperature
- Json for creating sensor's messages(for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network)
I case of enough time I would use Queue for threading and MQTT Monitor for message queue monitoring and also create on class include everything like controllers and sensors.
####Next Stage Write a peace of code to create auto-detect sensors in a topic and create codes for Arduino device to control and send real temperature sensors like DHT11/DHT22 modules and also the same for controllers and electronic valves.