Clone of Netflix using php,mySQL and JavaScript. Integrated with PayPal Sandbox.
LIVE LINK (Mirror) :
Note: Hosted using free tier of heroku, might be slower when launching for the first time if dyno is sleeping. Also if the monthly quota has expired the app wont launch Not Mobile responsive as of now, the UI will break on smaller screens
(create a new account if you want to try out the paypal payment)
#For paypal payment (For first time for newly registerd accounts) use below paypal credentials. Without this, the user wont be able to play any movie/episode!
email : [email protected] password : 12345678
Note : You cannot cancel the subscription. So if you need to retry payment, Just register new user
Please do not change any credentials :D
NOTE : Its not perfect and not as responsive as orginal Netflix. Also since i have hosted using free tier of heroku, performance poor and often the video preview won't work! Most of the PHP in this project is coded along this awesome udemy course, Most of the HTML/CSS and JavaScript is myown!