A repository to deliver the lab assignments of the Applied Software Engineering course.
This maven project is the parent project and was created for the purposes of the second lab assignment.
This maven project is the module project and has ase2021_practical_assignments as a parent project. It contains a class that takes a grades file as input and prooduces a histogram with the frequencies of the grades.
Step 1: Clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/apapadopoulou/ASE-LabAssignments.git
Step 2: Switch to the gradehistogram
directory and run mvn package
That's it! Now the project is built and you can run the .jar file passing a grades file as a command line argument. The grade histogram will appear in your screen.
This maven project is created for the purposes of the third lab assignment and the objective is to practice unit testing. You can find details here.
This maven project is created for the purposes of the fourth lab assignment and contains a system that needs to be modified, on order to improve the design quality using design patterns. You can find details here.