All-CoffeeScript Node.js project in IDE
Multi-platform including, Linux, Windows
Fresh Libs ~ Freely Hosted
Because this is a learning project, I implement certain things before looking at the way others do it or using a package. That shows in project stucture, crud, login, the client, etc. Grappling with these basic problems gives one a good feel for the platform while exercising creative problem solving, but this is not intended to be a recipe of best practices.
cake install
or npm install
- Size: Less than 20 MB with libs at this point.
- Node and npm are required: download and install from
- Unzip to a location or checkout from github. You may need to be admin.
- On a command prompt, run this command in the install dir to fetch libraries.
- It should skip optionalDependencies bcrypt and jquery if they fail.
- Node jquery is commented-out, using superagent.
- If bcrypt is installed it is used, defaults to crypto.
- Note that passwords are not compatible/portable between the two.
cake test
- Currently requires running server. See below.
- Currently needs model objects in db with "test" for all fields, hardcoded.
- Startup args in the Cakefile configure testing options.
cake server
or coffee
- Runs on port 3000 or port by default
- Go to http://localhost:3000 or
- First user has to temporarily disable checkUser to create own account.
- See, line 65, which begins "# To skip checkUser". Edit and restart.
- Create user from /index "Add User" link or /user/add.
- Edit to restore checkUser, restart. New user should work.
- Query routes are /model/field/match like:
- /user/login/your_login should find the user you created
- /item/price/100 would find an item you create with price of 100
- Node and npm to install packages list in sto/package.json
- CoffeeScript, although it does compile to js so node could run it instead
- Express web server
- Mongoose object modeler
- Jade view templates
- Twitter Boostrap layout
- Mocha and Should, some kind of load tester
- Trying a shared mongod, Dharma 2.3 Experimental from, 512 MB
- JQuery for ajax and binding event listeners in catalog component
- Optional bcrypt instead of default crypto requires building native:
- The bcrypt README at worked great!
- It refers you to the node-gyp README
- python 2.x
- Right now I'm on Windows 7, so Windows OpenSSL 64-bit libs
- Visual Studio Express
- Win7 64-bit SDK, uninstalled prev versions of 2010 C++ Redistributable first
- cloudnine:
- github:
- mongohq: mongodb://sto_user:*******
Cakefile : cake command runner
- : entry point and config for running the express server
cloudnine-start.js : bootstrap launcher file to run coffeescript on
packages.json : npm dependency file list
- : this
/model/ : mongoose models directory
/public/ : files to be served, image, script, etc
/route/ : routing files (called from
/view/ : jade view templates directory
- Express servers work by connecting url paths to execute functions from route files that deliver query results in pages, and redirects.
- Multiple routes files handle get and post of common Mongoose model CRUD ops.
- These are standardized toward possible future automation.
- These CRUD routes (and others) enforce login by using the optional checkUser middleware function.
- Login form posts action values containing original destination, to redirect on successful login.
- Rudimentary login currently has one implied role of admin for all users.
- Loop in route files enumerates query routes per model property.
- Client application skeleton is defined by layout.jade template includes.
- These includes can be groups of javascript, stylesheets, meta tags, etc.
- There is one called /view/scripts.jade that loads the common scripts in order.
- There are also chunks which define cart, login, and catalog components.
- Cart and catalog components are compiled without the top-level function into javascripts for the client side.
- Cart binds it's own event listeners, controls user input, and redraws itself.
- Catalog uses JQuery event selectors and JQuery AJAX request to page the Items.
- Login uses no client-side scripts, instead a login session starts on the server when the user sucessfully logs in. Log out by logging in incorrectly.
- Cart currently uses localStorage only.