released this
20 Mar 10:52
SemVer Minor
Mark EventLoop.syncShutdownGracefully and EventLoopGroup.syncShutdownGracefully noasync (#2381 )
Add a pooled recv buffer allocator (#2362 )
NIOAsyncWriter: Provide a fast path for single element writes (#2365 )
Provide OnLoopSendable: Sendable containers that bind a value to a specific EventLoop (#2370 )
Add support for UDP_SEGMENT (#2372 )
Add support for UDP_GRO (#2385 )
SemVer Patch
Pool buffers for ivecs and storage refs in the event loop. (#2358 , patch credit to @ser-0xff )
Fix memory binding. (#2376 , patch credit to @ser-0xff )
Fix an upcoming compiler warning on implicit raw pointer casts. (#2377 , patch credit to @atrick )
Buffer pool for message headers and addresses. (#2378 , patch credit to @ser-0xff )
Remove unused array (#2361 )
Make PooledBuffer safer. (#2363 )
Fix swift-nio iOS builds. (#2369 )
Don't retain a task when all we want is a time (#2373 )
Make our time types transparent (#2374 )
Allow UDP GRO tests to fail in some circumstances (#2387 )
Other Changes
TCP channel throughput benchmark. (#2367 , patch credit to @ser-0xff )
Add UDP performance tests (#2360 )
Clarify on EL semantics (#2366 )
Add availability requirements to TCPThroughputBenchmark (#2368 )
Not Holding OnToRunClosure() test updates (#2375 )
Remove redundant availability guards (#2379 )
Lower the max segment count in tests (#2382 )
Rebuild the channel when retrying testWriteBufferAtGSOSegmentCountLimit (#2383 )
Rework the NIOAsyncSequenceProducer
tests to rely less on timings (#2386 )
Work around the SwiftPM layout change. (#2389 )
Always populate utsname (#2391 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.