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- legal moves generation
- castle
- enpassant
- check
- checkmate
- stalemate
- insufficient material
- 50 moves draw
- FEN import
- drag drop
- touch move
- piece highlight
- board construction
- moves history
- pgn import
- three fold repetition
- board eval
- bot
Without Download -
<script src=""></script>
With Download -
<script src="static-chess.js"></script>
Make sure you locate static-chess.js
and update src accordingly for example ../downloads/chess/static-chess.js
|-- chess
| piece : stores name, color, moves
| square : stores piece
| board : stores 8x8 squares & manages moves
| logic : filters illegal moves by managing moves and states.
|-- ui
| drag-drop : css effects, request & makes move
| ui : drag-drop, board generation & management (html injection using js)
|-- tools
| strings : stores strings
| converter : converts different data types