Laravel package to Integrate with ZATCA API servers and Generate the QR code signed and Validated for ZATCA E-invoicing
To get the latest version of zatca-integration on your project, you can require it from "composer":
$ composer require asamirsherif/zatca-integration
Register the provider directly in your app configuration file config/app.php config/app.php
Laravel >= 5.5 provides package auto-discovery, you won't need to add it manaully
providers and facades will be add as
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Zatca' => Asamirsherif\Zatca\Facades\Zatca::class,
`use Asamirsherif\Zatca\Facades\Zatca;$base64 = Zatca::sellerName('Seller Name/اسم البائع')
$qrCode = zatca()
->sellerName('اسم البائع/Seller Name')