Protoconf is header only configuration helper.
The program usualy starts from argument parsing, configuration file creation and configuration class, to store it in memory. It is not hard but time consuming work.
This project should make it easier and less time consuming work with configuration files. So the brand new project could be started faster.
It is based on protobuf project which is capable to convert messages to JSON format. So all you need - create scheme.proto file, run code generation, and you got it, start using it. The helper functions are templates, so any protobuf schema object will be ok.
The only situation when you need library libProtoconf is to get the version string, other way just use protoconf.h heafer file.
- Creates c++ configuration class with all setters and getters for all fields based on schema.
- Creates c++ interface to load/store configuration from/to file in JSON format.
- Creates configuration template file if missing.
- Allows updating configuration schema, and it is still will be possible to work with older version parsers (if you follow protobuf update policy).
- Configuration JSON file line swap is allowed
- Comments supported using // for entire or partial line
- Allows using old configuration with newer parser, default values will be used for missing params.
- This is protobuf, man, you gain ready to send configuration directly via network, or update it same way from remote host (no, network implememntation you should find on your own).
- Tested only with v2 proto files for now
- During configuration write, original configuration will be completely overwritten, all manual modifications will be erased as the result
Build dependencies:
- conan
- ctags (optional)
mkdir debug
cd debug && conan install -s build_type=Debug ../.
conan build ../.
If you need build packages for different architectires, use scripts
-o tags=True Tags file generation on
-o codecov=True Enable code coverage
-o clangcheck=True Enable clang static analizer build
-o asancheck=True Enable build with Address Santizer
-o tsancheck=True Enable build with Thread Santizer
-o usancheck=True Enable build with Undefined Santizer
Install dependencies:
- protobuf with protoc
- gtest
- ctags (optional)
See for more information on versions
Go inside src directory.
Go inside src directory.
cmake -DWITH_CONAN=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMakeLists.txt
-DWITH_CONAN=ON [default = ON] if need build and package with conan
-DWITH_TAGS=ON [default = OFF] if need tags file generation
-DWITH_CODECOV=ON [default = OFF] Enable code coverage
-DWITH_ASAN=ON [default = OFF] Enable build with Address Santizer
-DWITH_TSAN=ON [default = OFF] Enable build with Thread Santizer
-DWITH_USAN=ON [default = OFF] Enable build with Undefined Santizer
#include <Protoconf/protoconf.h>
result = protoconf::save(path, conf);
result = protoconf::load(path, conf);
See Schema subproject for protobuf schema used in tests.
See Example subproject for example.
Output example:
"descrValName": "This is simple value description",
"valName": "",
"descrValUint": "This is dedicated to test integer value",
"valUint": 10,
"descrStatisticsInt": "Statistics with integer values",
"statisticsInt": [
"descrStatisticsFloat": "Statistics with float values",
"statisticsFloat": [
"descrV1conf": "This describes protocol version 1",
"v1conf": {
"descrEnable": "If protocol version 1 configuration is used",
"enable": false,
"descrName": "This value is special for protocol version 1 name",
"name": ""
"descrV2conf": "This describes protocol version 2",
"v2conf": {
"descrEnable": "If protocol version 2 configuration is used",
"enable": false,
"descrName": "This value is special for protocol version 2 name",
"name": "",
"descrCorpus": "Enum values",
"corpus": "UNIVERSAL",
"descrData": "Data sequence",
"datas": [
"descrId": "Data id",
"id": "999999999",
"descrHash": "Data hash",
"hash": "ADKJEFKJEF",
"descrValue": "Data value",
"value": "0"
"descrId": "Data id",
"id": "222222222",
"descrHash": "Data hash",
"hash": "AAAAAAA",
"descrValue": "Data value",
"value": "111111"
"descrBig": "This is big description\n with new lines \n lene \n line"