This project is a Vet Management App created by Ashir Qureshi for his CodeClan individual project.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them:
- You will need to install PostGreSQL to carry out database queries:
gem install pg
- You will also need Sinatra installed to create a local server for the web interface:
gem install sinatra
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
- Create a database called 'vetpractice' using psql:
createdb vetpractice
- Run the vetpractice SQL file in the newly created database:
psql -d vetpractice -f db/vetpractice.sql
- Now seed the database with the included seed file:
ruby db/seed.rb
To run the app use the followin command:
ruby app.rb
The website consists of 5 main pages and a search facility accessible by links on the navigation bar.. These are:
This will take you to a page listing all animals on the apps records along with options to either register a new animal or see a view of which animals are currently checked into the vets practice. Clicking on any animal listed will give you details about the animal (name, type, DoB, Vet Checked In/Out).
This page lists all vets currently listed at the practice. You also get an option to add a new vet to the practice. Clicking on a Vet will give you details about that Vet (name, animals under their care).
This page lists all pet owners on the system. Clicking on an owner will take you to details about that owner (Address, Tel No, Registration status, Vets Bill).
The search page allows you to search the database for the following:
- Animals, searching by name or type.
- Vets, searching by name.
- Owners, searching by name.
The appointments page lists all appointments for vets in the practice.
- Ruby - The programming language used for logic/interface
- PSQL - Database management
- Sinatra - To create a local web server
- Ashir Qureshi - Ashmanq
- The CodeClan team
- My fellow G18 cohort