Mutable package provides object changes tracking features and the way to set values to the struct dynamically by a destination field name (including nested structs).
This package needs Go version 1.9 or later
go get
package main
import ""
type NestedStruct struct {
FieldY string
FieldZ []int64
type MyStruct struct {
FieldA string
FieldB int64 `mutable:"ignored"`
FieldC NestedStruct `mutable:"deep"`
func main() {
var m = &MyStruct{}
// Mutable state init
// Change values
m.FieldA = "green"
m.FieldC.FieldY = "stone"
// Analyze changes
"FieldA": {
"old_value": "",
"new_value": "green"
"FieldC": {
"nested_fields": {
"FieldY": {
"old_value": "",
"new_value": "stone"
// Set values
m.SetValue("FieldA", "white")
m.SetValue("FieldC/FieldZ", "[1,2,3]") // You can set typed value or JSON string as well
// Analyze changes
"FieldA": {
"old_value": "green",
"new_value": "white"
"FieldC": {
"nested_fields": {
"FieldZ": {
"old_value": null,
"new_value": [1, 2, 3]
Struct field's tag values should be set within mutable tag
- ignored - specifies ignoring of this field changes tracking
- deep - specifies the deep analyze of a field (only for struct kind fields). Instead of regular analysis of a field value itself, every field of nested struct will be analyzed for changes individually.
type MyStruct struct {
FieldA string `mutable:"ignored"`
FieldB AnotherStructType `mutable:"deep"`
If you use a pointer to struct as field type and want to be able to use deep analysis, you have to embed Mutable for such nested field's struct as well.
type MyStruct struct { mutable.Mutable FieldA string FieldB *NestedStruct `mutable:"deep"` } type NestedStruct struct { mutable.Mutable // Mutable as well FieldY string FieldZ string }
If you pass a mutable object as an arg to a function, you have to pass it as a pointer to be able to use Mutable features.