FloRide is an end-to-end database application for online cab booking. It is made as a part of course project for the course
CSE202: Fundamentals of DataBase Management Systems that I took in my 4th semester at IIIT Delhi.
It is made using MySQL/MariaDB DBMS & FastAPI python backend framework. We have also used SQLAlchemy as our ORM.
Further detailed documentation as well as instructions to run the application
on your system can be found in the UserGuide.pdf file inside the Documentation directory.
Currently, as our UI, we are using the Swagger UI visual documentation that is provided by the FastAPI framework.
We plan on building its frontend soon, most probably using Vue.js JavaScript Framework. Any suggestions and feedback are welcome.
Fun Fact: The name FloRide is based on the character Flo in the cars series.
The (Lovely) Team: Ashutosh Gera & Atharv Goel