Every musical artist has a unique style that permeates through their music. The content of their songs often evolves over the course of their career but the original voice is always present. Our goal for this project is to dive into the heart of the artist and see if we are able to bring this voice out. The concrete task we are going to achieve is given a seed set of words, can we construct a new and original song in an artist’s style.
If you have precomputed a list of important words for this artist
python Generator.py "Add first line here!" path_to_folder_with_lyrics path_to_precomputed_list
If you have NOT precomputed a list of important words for the artist, no worries we will do it for you but it may take a while as we use TextRank and it is quite slow
python Generator.py "Add first line here!" path_to_folder_with_lyrics NONE
python Generator.py "Hey Jude don't make it bad" BeatlesLyrics/ textRankListBeatles.txt
python Generator.py "Hey Hey momma said the way you move" BobMarleyLyrics/ NONE
The lyrics files themselves should be formatted as such:
line 1
line 2
line 3
last line
Based on Text Rank From this paper External dependencies: nltk, numpy, networkx