Source Code Repo:
this shell scripte will downlaod and install a program that you can run in your zshell or bash command line. it support only macos MacOSx64 architecture.
Just clone this code in your Desktop:
git clone
then run the shell script:
chmod 777 && ./
then close your terminal, and open a new one. make sure you are using zshell or bash, otherwise the program will not work .
Please Read Carefully this section
to say "Hi" to chatgpt you can use the following command
chatgpt "Hi"
if you need to update the api key use:
chatgpt -k
please note that you may get an error and it will ask you for an api key, as the key provided with the program may be expired:
Please go to and click Create new secret key
then past your openAI api key here:
read the following section to learn how to get an api key.
- login to your openAI account from here:
- make sure you still have cedits on your account from here: (if your credits are expired please create a new open ai account with a new phone number or buy more credits)
- if everything is okay go to : and click "Create new secret key" and copy the key.
- past the key the the chatgpt program.
Now you can ask chatgpt and it will work.