This project contains the follow apis:
- rest-team - This API allows CRUD operations on a soccer team.
Java Version of this project:
- 21
It is using the follow technologies:
- Spring-boot Starter Web
- Spring-boot Starter Validation
- Spring-boot Starter Data Jpa
- Spring-boot Starter Actuator
- Spring-boot Starter Oauth2 Resource Server
- Springdoc Openapi Starter Webmvc ui
- Spring-boot DevTools
- Spring-boot Docker Compose
- Buildpacks
- Flyway
- Lombok
- MapStruct
- Httpclient5
- OpenTelemetry agent
- Postgres
- Keycloak
- Opentelemetry Collector
- Prometheus
- Grafana Loki
- Grafana Tempo
- Grafana
The following Test Libraries:
- Spring-boot Starter Test
- Spring-boot Test Containers
- Test Containers Dependencies
- Jacoco and Surefire plugin(test coverage)