- https://github.com/vaticle/typedb-ml
- https://blog.vaticle.com/link-prediction-knowledge-graph-pytorch-geometric-f35917320806
This repository hosts multiple submodules.
Clone this repo, cd into it and run a submodule init followed by update to pull all the subrepos:
git clone https://github.com/bayer-science-for-a-better-life/context-matters.git
cd context-matters
git submodule init
git submodule update
To create an environment with the correct dependencies for the submodules run:
conda env create -f environment-local.yml
update env (while having context-matters active):
conda env update -f environment-local.yml --prune
Setup upstreams for all sub-repos correctly:
cd typedb-pytorch-example
git checkout main
cd ../grakn-pytorch-geometric
git checkout main
cd ../kglib
git checkout master
This is just for local development with CPU, because context matters.