PHP tool to perform basic search on GitHub.
Cookie session is mandatory if you don't provide organization name (GitHub requirement).
Note that the search engine is case insensitive.
Usage: php github-search.php [OPTIONS]
-c set cookie session
-e file extension filter
-f looking for file
-h print this help
-l language filter
-m look for commit, -o and -p are required
-n no color
-p provide repository name
-o provide organization name
-r maximum number of results, default 100
-s search string
-t set authorization token (overwrite cookie, best option)
php github-search.php -o myorganization -s db_password
php github-search.php -o myorganization -f wp-config.php -s db_password
php github-search.php -c "user_session=B0KqycP8LlYORc-s3WFZoH71TG" -f wp-config -e php -r 1000
php github-search.php -t 32a11e6f340c2fe1a6071795a3b1a8c876b3cf29 -l php -s DB_USERNAME
I don't believe in license.
You can do want you want with this program.