Biconomy SDK release 9
- Added Speed optimisation, removing redundant gasEstimate call to bundler (2371b2)
- Added smartAccount.getBalances() method (4b8bae)
- Added smartAccount.getSupportedTokens() method (6d2fb27)
- Added smartAccount.deploy() method (be9dc4)
- Increased checking of the chainId from the bundler, paymaster and the provider (5d2f3)
- Added entity name to Logger calls (9278ec)
- Export a 'getChain' by id helper, which returns a viem chain (ab2ba)
- Add "stateOverride" optional param (20fd54)
- Fix for encodeAbiParameters inside batched session module (b27061)
- added flag to skip calldata approval patch (75698)
- Fixed the particle auth build