A SQL code editor that runs as a desktop application or in a web browser. Built using Vue.js and the Ace Editor.
Built using Electron, the destop application is designed to run macOS, Windows and Linux operating systems.
Download the latest Release.
- Node.js v14.15.0 LTS
Ensure that NPM is up to date:
npm install npm@latest -g
Clone this repo and run the following commands:
npm install
npm run build
The browser client consists of a web application with a supporting API component. It uses a Redis storage back end and uses Nginx as a reverse proxy gateway. The browser client requires integration with an external OAuth provider and has been tested with auth0 and IdentityServer.
The browser client is designed to run in Docker containers and this repo contains configuration for use with Docker Compose and a Helm chart for use with Kubernetes.
Edit the deployment/docker/.env file and provide values for your OAuth provider.
Start the containers with this command:
docker-compose up
This will start the API, App and Nginx gateway containers and expose an endpoint on localhost:8080
To deploy via Helm, edit the values.yaml file at deployment/kubernetes/cequel.space to set OAuth configuration, redis and load balalancer configuration.
helm install --values=values.yaml --namespace cequel-space --create-namespace cequel.space ./cequel.space