Tools for computing statistics from raster time series stacks.
To install in a conda environment:
conda create -n my_env
conda activate my_env
conda install -c conda-forge rasterio cython joblib pandas
Then, either install directly via pip:
pip install git+
or from source:
git clone
cd rasterstack
pip install -e .
Check the installed version in python:
from rasterstack import __version__
Suppose we have a list of annual raster composites:
fl = [
We will also need a list of datetime.datetime
's that correspond with each of these rasters:
from datetime import datetime
def getDate(f):
date = datetime.strptime(f.split("_")[1].replace(".tif", ""), "%Y")
return date
dates = [getDate(f) for f in fl]
Now we can combine the filenames and corresponding dates into a RasterTimeSeries
from rasterstack import RasterTimeSeries
rts = RasterTimeSeries(fl, dates)
Compute some basic cell-wise statistics from this object:
nobs, xmean, xmedian, xstd = rts.compute_stats(njobs = 10)
At the moment, the Theil-Sen regression function only works with numpy
stacks, and not from the RasterTimeSeries
instance directly. We'll need to read the files listed in the associated DataFrame into a 3-D array:
import rasterio
import numpy as np
z = []
for i in
z = np.stack(z)
We also need a time array, which we'll create by extracting the years from the dates created above:
years = [int(datetime.strftime(d, "%Y")) for d in dates]
Run the cell-wise Theil-Sen regressor on the stack using 6 threads:
from rasterstack.theilsen import theilsen
ts_slope, mk_sign, mk_Z = theilsen(z, years, 6)
This returns 2-D arrays for the Theil-Sen slope, the Mann-Kendall sign and the Z-statistic. The latter array could be used to compute a p-value testing for significance of a monotonic trend for each raster cell (see scipy.stats.norm
Suppose we have a list of Landsat-8 SWIR1 images from a single path/row:
fl = [
Print the extents of one of the images:
from rasterstack import imageExtent
> (582285.0, 4986585.0, 816015.0, 5216715.0)
The extents of all files are not equal:
from rasterstack import equalExtents
> False
Compute the union extent of all images, which we'll use to harmonize their extents:
from rasterstack import unionExtent
e = unionExtent(fl)
> (578685.0, 4986285.0, 816915.0, 5216715.0)
A grid of tiles can be made from this extent using the tileExtent
function. For example, to make a grid of tiles of 60000m X 60000m (= 2000 X 2000 Landsat pixels):
from rasterstack import tileExtent
tiles = tileExtent(e, 60000, 60000)
Note that dx
and dy
are assumed to be in the same units as e
(metres in this case).
tile xmin ymin xmax ymax extent
0 01-01 578685.0 4986285.0 638685.0 5046285.0 [578685.0, 4986285.0, 638685.0, 5046285.0]
1 01-02 638685.0 4986285.0 698685.0 5046285.0 [638685.0, 4986285.0, 698685.0, 5046285.0]
2 01-03 698685.0 4986285.0 758685.0 5046285.0 [698685.0, 4986285.0, 758685.0, 5046285.0]
3 01-04 758685.0 4986285.0 816915.0 5046285.0 [758685.0, 4986285.0, 816915.0, 5046285.0]
4 02-01 578685.0 5046285.0 638685.0 5106285.0 [578685.0, 5046285.0, 638685.0, 5106285.0]
5 02-02 638685.0 5046285.0 698685.0 5106285.0 [638685.0, 5046285.0, 698685.0, 5106285.0]
6 02-03 698685.0 5046285.0 758685.0 5106285.0 [698685.0, 5046285.0, 758685.0, 5106285.0]
7 02-04 758685.0 5046285.0 816915.0 5106285.0 [758685.0, 5046285.0, 816915.0, 5106285.0]
8 03-01 578685.0 5106285.0 638685.0 5166285.0 [578685.0, 5106285.0, 638685.0, 5166285.0]
9 03-02 638685.0 5106285.0 698685.0 5166285.0 [638685.0, 5106285.0, 698685.0, 5166285.0]
10 03-03 698685.0 5106285.0 758685.0 5166285.0 [698685.0, 5106285.0, 758685.0, 5166285.0]
11 03-04 758685.0 5106285.0 816915.0 5166285.0 [758685.0, 5106285.0, 816915.0, 5166285.0]
12 04-01 578685.0 5166285.0 638685.0 5216715.0 [578685.0, 5166285.0, 638685.0, 5216715.0]
13 04-02 638685.0 5166285.0 698685.0 5216715.0 [638685.0, 5166285.0, 698685.0, 5216715.0]
14 04-03 698685.0 5166285.0 758685.0 5216715.0 [698685.0, 5166285.0, 758685.0, 5216715.0]
15 04-04 758685.0 5166285.0 816915.0 5216715.0 [758685.0, 5166285.0, 816915.0, 5216715.0]
To crop files to a given tile ("03-03" in this example) and compute stats for that tile, use batchCropToExtent
, which returns a list of output filenames:
from rasterstack import batchCropToExtent
outdir = "tile_03-03"
e = list(tiles.query("tile == \"03-03\"")['extent'])[0]
cropfl = batchCropToExtent(fl, e, outdir = outdir, suffix = '03-03', res = 30, njobs = 8, verbose = 0)
## TODO: debug this step ("Missing src_crs") ##