This module provides controls IPsec connections.
- ::ipsec - class for managing of the IPsec service.
- ::ipsec::sa - class for managing Secret Association.
- ::ipsec::secrets - class for managing secrets of the pair [leftid, rightid]
ipsec { 'IPSEC': }
ipsec::sa { 'TEST-SA-1':
left => '',
leftprotoport => all,
leftsourceip => '',
leftsubnet => '',
right => '',
rightprotoport => all,
rightsubnet => '',
auto => add,
ike => 'aes256-sha;dh24',
ipsec::secrets { 'TEST-SECRETS-1':
leftid => '',
rightid => '',
psk => 'preshared secret key',
ipsec { 'IPSEC': }
ipsec::sa { 'TEST-SA-1':
ensure => absent,
ipsec::secrets { 'TEST-SECRETS-1':
ensure => absent,