A simplistic HTTP based lambda function implementation. Upload a zip file with Javascript / Typescript code that is run on an HTTP request.
Install dependencies
% npm install
Create the folder where the source code will be uploaded.
% mkdir runner
Start the server
% npm start
The server will be running by default on port 8000 so you can access it on http://localhost:8000
Create a sample application with the following code in a file called index.js
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const res = {
body: {
message: 'hello world'
return res;
Package the file in a zip file
% zip example.zip index.js
Upload the zip file to the server (using curl for example)
% curl -v -F [email protected] http://localhost:8000/upload
Try posting an event to the server and you will see that the code you uploaded is running.
% curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "hej": "hopp" }' http://localhost:8000/event
{"message":"hello world"}
This project is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.