- Introduction
- Copying
- Prerequisites
- Install
- Initialize
- Store items to the DHT
- Retreive items from the DHT
- Lookup peers
- Announce services
- Query services
- Maintainers
The Grenache Command Line Interface is a set of tools to use the grenache-grape suite directly from your command line. Using this set of tools you can create fancy scripts that communicate directly with the DHT.
The Grenache Command Line Interface is free software. See the files whose names start with LICENSE (case-insensitive) for copying permission. The manuals, and some of the runtime libraries, are under different terms; see the individual source files for details.
Copyright years on Grenache Command Line Interface source files may be listed using range notation, e.g., 2017-2021, indicating that every year in the range, inclusive, is a copyrightable year that could otherwise be listed individually.
Be sure that your version of grenache-grape supports the mutable items (see pull request #35).
Briefly, the shell command
./configure && make && make install
should configure, build and install this package.
Before start using this set of tools you need to initialize the granache-cli
environment; use:
This will also generate your key pair that will be used when mutable items are stored to the DHT. This is a one time only task but you can regenerate your key pair at any time if you want to.
The grenache-put
command writes an arbitrary payload to the DHT (see BEP 44 for more information). There are two types of items you can store to the DHT; the immutable items and the mutable ones. In any case, you will get the key under which the item has been stored.
Immutable items cannot be modified, thus there is no need to authenticate the origin of them. This makes immutable items simple. To write an immutable item to the DHT simply run something like this:
grenache-put "$(uname -n)"
Mutable items can be updated, without changing their DHT keys. In order to create your key pair, see grenache-keygen
. To write a mutable item to the DHT simply run something like this:
grenache-put --mutable "$(uptime -p)"
In order to support a single key being used to store separate items in the DHT, an optional salt can be specified in the put request of mutable items:
grenache-put --mutable --salt 'sys:mem:available' "$(awk '/^MemAvailable:/ { print $2 "Ki" }' < /proc/meminfo)"
Note that grenache-put
is agnostic and it will treat your payload as a single string. Other useful options are -n
or --number
that will let you set the sequence number to use in your request and -c
or --cas
that let you use the compare and swap feature. See
grenache-put --help
to retrieve the complete options list.
The grenache-get
command reads a data record from the DHT (see BEP 44 for more information). There is no differences in retreiving a mutable or an immutable item; in both cases the key returned by the PUT request must be provided. Furthermore, starting from version 0.9.6 of grenache-grape, the salt specified during the PUT operation must be provided if used. In any case, grenache-get
validates the payload it receive; this will ensure that the key provided really match the payload and, in case of a mutable item, that the signature is correct. This will protect you from evil nodes on the network. To read an item from the DHT simply run something like this:
grenache-get '81c2a8157780989af9a16661324fafbd7803877d'
For example, you can format the previously stored available memory amount using something like this:
numfmt --from=auto --to=iec-i < <(
grenache-get --salt 'sys:mem:available' '633def0b4349e2ed5bfbe0a5a1bb34e622f8c20d'
You can also retrieve the raw packet received from the network using the -r
switch or its long form --raw
. See
grenache-get --help
to retrieve the complete options list.
The grenache-lookup
command finds peers that expose the supplied service identifier. To find a random peer that provides the rest:net:util service simply run something like this:
grenache-lookup 'rest:net:util'
For example, you can check the platform status on each peer that exposes the rest:api:v2 service using something like this:
for authority in $(grenache-lookup --all 'rest:api:v2'); \
do \
curl --write-out '\n' "http://${authority}/v2/platform/status"; \
You can also pick the first peer in list using the -f
switch or its long form --first
. See
grenache-lookup --help
to retrieve the complete options list.
The grenache-announce
command announces the given services in order to be stored in the DHT. To announce the rest:net:util service on port 31337, simply run something like this:
grenache-announce 'rest:net:util,31337'
If no services are specified, grenache-announce
enters the streaming mode, reading the standard input. All comments (marked by a # or ;) and blank lines are ignored. For example, a list of services can be announced using something like this:
grenache-announce <services.lst
An announce service can also be created using a named pipe:
mkfifo --mode=0622 /run/grape/announce && \
grenache-announce <>/run/grape/announce
Storing a service in the DHT now simply requires something like this:
echo 'rest:net:util,31337' >/run/grape/announce
A JSON stream can also be required (perhaps to implement a network service with something like tcpserver) using the -j
switch or its long form --json
. The JSON document must contain a data
array in which the first position is the service name while the second is the port number. Another useful option is -d
or --delimiter
which allows you to set the delimiter string between the service name and port number when not using JSON mode. See
grenache-announce --help
to retrieve the complete options list.
The grenache-request
command sends a request to a service in the DHT. To query the rest:ext:helpdesk:foo service, simply run something like this:
grenache-request 'rest:ext:helpdesk:foo' 'getDepartments'
Action arguments are optional and can be omitted altogether. However, to pass an argument to an action, use the -a
switch or its long form --arg
; to query the rest:net:util service in order to get information about IP, simply run something like this:
grenache-request -a '""' 'rest:util:net' 'getIpInfo'
To send multiple arguments, simply repeat the -a
switch or its long form --arg
as many times as needed; arguments will be passed to the service action in the same order as they were supplied on the command line. To query the rest:ext:gpg service in order to get a signature for the hello message, simply run something like this:
grenache-request -a '"68656c6c6f"' -a '{"userId":1}' 'rest:ext:gpg' 'getDigitalSignature'
Arguments are treated as JSON-encoded text; sometimes, when dealing with plain strings, this can be somewhat cumbersome. In such cases, the -s
switch or its long form --string
can be used to pass a string as-is or -n
or its long form --numeric
when accepting an option that is intended to be treated as a numeric value.
Typically, the output is a JSON-encoded text. Sometimes, filtering this text can be useful; in such cases, output can be selected using the -q
switch or its long form --query
, as shown below:
grenache-request -q 'map(select(.active_members > 3))' 'rest:ext:helpdesk:bar' 'getTeams'
The query is passed as-is to jq and will be applied directly to the third position of the response array; refer to the official filter documentation for more details on the syntax to be used. However, there are cases where a plain string written directly to the standard output is preferable rather than formatted as a JSON string with quotes, perhaps when pipe the output to another command; in such cases, the -r
switch or its long form --raw
can be used, as shown below:
grenache-request -q '.[1].timezone' -r -s '' 'rest:util:net' 'getIpGeo'
Under normal circumstances, workflow is to look up the service via grenache-lookup and then send the request to the worker. There might be cases, perhaps when dealing with a system without a running grape, where it would be useful to query a service without looking it up first; in such cases, the -w
switch or its long form --worker
can be used, as shown below:
grenache-request -r -s '776f726c64' -a '{"userId":8}' -w '' 'rest:ext:gpg' 'getDigitalSignature'
Those are the main options; see
grenache-request --help
to retrieve the complete options list.
Current maintainers:
- Davide Scola - [email protected]