Run on latest version of Node to guarantee the widest compatibility with latest ECMAScript features including stage 3 ESNext features []
Lower the TS compilation target as appropriate if you need to run on older versions of Node.js
Typescript by default compiles down to native Node CommonJS modules (ie. require
syntax). However, the latest versions of Node (>=v15.3.0) now support ES modules (ie. import/export) without an experimental flag. This additionally enables extra language features such as top-level await
To switch to ESM, change type in package.json to "module" and set target and module in tsconfig to "ESNext"
Important: ESM requires fully-qualified import paths, meaning you'll need to specify '.js' extension on imports in TS source [microsoft/TypeScript#16577]
npm start runs Node with the --enable-source-maps
flag (>=v12.12.0) - this caches source maps such that stack traces reference the original TS source,
rather than the js dist output, which makes debugging easier
To speed up recompile times when making changes, npm run build uses the --incremental flag [microsoft/TypeScript#16577]
Watch command uses nodemon to watch for TS source changes, rebuild and run
Debug command waits for debugger to be attached (via VSCode 'Attach' config in launch.json). Can also use with watch command
Runs ESLint using its recommended rules for JS and extended ruleset for Typescript
npm outdated
- see which packages are due updating
npx npm-check-updates -u
- update to latest versions including major
npm update
- install updated versions
Specify "typescript.tsdk": "./node_modules/typescript/lib"
in .vscode/settings.json to force VSCode to use the locally (project) installed version of TS