Next.js & React - The Complete Guide (incl. Two Paths!) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
- 04-prj-routing: Event project 01
- 06-prj-data-fetching: Event project 02
- 07-prj-optimizations: Event project 03
- 09-prj-api-routes: Event project 04
- 11-prj-blog: Blog project
- 13-auth: Auth project
: client side session checkprofile.js
: server side session check
Click to Contract/Expend
Two forms of pre-rendering
- Static Generation
- pre-generate a page during building time
- pages are prepared ahead to time and can be cached by the server / CDN serving the app
export async function getStaticProps(context) {}
- Server-side Rendering
DOC: Incremental Static Regeneration
Re-generate it on every request, at most every X seconds
- Serve "old" page if re-generation is not needed yet
- Generate, store and server "new" page otherwise
in Dev version, it will regenerate every reload
but in Production, it will generate every 10 seconds as defined
return {
revalidate: 10,
it can be done using
but that will render only on front side
// localhost:3000/p1
export async function getStaticProps(context) {
const { params } = context;
const productId =;
return {};
fallback: false
- deal with only specifically generated pages
fallback: true
- good combination with
// getStaticProps() if (!product) { return { notFound: true }; } // component if (!loadedProduct) { return <p>Loading...</p>; }
- good combination with
fallback: "blocking"
- or just this
We can choose onlh one either
- with
- with
returns as the same asgetStaticProps()
as it will always run again
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const { params, req, res } = context;
return { props: { username: "Max" } };
are the node js classes
- Request:
- Response:
- Data changing with high frequency (e.g. stock data)
- Highly user-specific data (e.g. last orders in an online shop)
- Partial data (e.g. data that's only used on a part of an page)
- Go to Console
- Create a new project, 'nextjs-course'
- Build -> Realtime Database -> Create Database
- Security rules: Start in test mode
- Add data
{ "sales": { "s1": { "username": "Max", "volume": 100 }, "s2": { "username": "Manuel", "volume": 50 } } }
import import.json
to the firebase
- fallback
- false: we created all possible pages
- true: it means we have fallback component which is
- blocking: will server-render pages
npm install --save react-markdown
- it parses meta data and content from a file
npm install --save gray-matter
npm install --save react-syntax-highlighter
npm install --save mongodb
It is very important for post content page as it optimises search engines (SEO)
<meta name="description" content={} />
- Standard Build
next build
- Produces optimized production bundles and a server-side app: Requires NodeJS server
- Pages are pre-rendered (if possible) but NodeJS server is required for API routes, server-side pages and page revalidations
- Re-deploy needed if code changes or you don't use revalidations and need page updates
- Full Static Build
next export
- Produces 100% static app (HTML, CSS, JS): No NodeJS server required
- Doesn't work if your app uses API routes, server-side pages or wants to use page revalidations
- Re-deploy needed for all code and content changes
npm run build
Route (pages) Size First Load JS
┌ ● / (ISR: 60 Seconds) 1.05 kB 78.8 kB
├ └ css/0b7eed4ff99cfd8a.css 606 B
├ /_app 0 B 74.5 kB
├ ○ /404 181 B 74.7 kB
├ λ /api/contact 0 B 74.5 kB
├ ○ /contact 1.3 kB 75.8 kB
├ └ css/f8039d3041f1b6e3.css 709 B
├ ● /posts (ISR: 60 Seconds) 861 B 78.7 kB
├ └ css/bf52dc61e5ba2b27.css 436 B
└ ● /posts/[slug] (ISR: 5 Seconds) (772 ms) 272 kB 350 kB
└ css/1c165c261101802e.css 436 B
├ /posts/mastering-javascript (391 ms)
└ /posts/getting-started-with-nextjs (381 ms)
+ First Load JS shared by all 75.3 kB
├ chunks/framework-8c5acb0054140387.js 45.4 kB
├ chunks/main-2364f599a24c3599.js 25.7 kB
├ chunks/pages/_app-1aa950c7dc621994.js 2.6 kB
├ chunks/webpack-ee7e63bc15b31913.js 815 B
└ css/2a9ae2bcaf0d7f3f.css 783 B
/posts/[slug] (ISR: 5 Seconds) (772 ms) 272 kB 350 kB
is too big!!
react-syntax-highlighter - light build
└ ● /posts/[slug] (ISR: 5 Seconds) (772 ms) 272 kB 350 kB
# -> After refactoring
└ ● /posts/[slug] (ISR: 5 Seconds) (762 ms) 49.9 kB 128 kB
And this is before compression.
NodeJS will compress these files
npm run build
npm start
# Warning: For production Image Optimization with Next.js, the optional 'sharp' package is strongly recommended. Run 'yarn add sharp', and Next.js will use it automatically for Image Optimization.
npm install sharp --save
- create an vercel account
- create a private repo
- push all code to the repo
- vercel -> import git repository
- deploy with default settings
- make a change and push to the github -> CD(continuous deployment)
Full Static Build : no serverside code
# run on 03-pages-file-based-routing
npm run build
npm run export
# it will generate 'out' directory
- Server-side Sessions
- Store unique identifier on server, send some identifier to client
- Client sends identifier along with requests to protected reousrces
- Authentidcation Tokens (recommended for SPA)
- Create (but not store) "permission" token on server, send token to client
- Client sends token along with requests to protected resources
SPAs works with tokens instead of sessions because
- Pages are served directly and populated with logic without hitting the server
- (Some nextjs pages are not though)
- Backend APIs work in a "stateless" way (they don't care about connected clients)
- Servers don't save information about authenticated clients
- JSON Web Token
- Issuer Data
- Custom Data
- Secret Signing Key
- Only the signing server is able to verify an incoming token
- Signed, NOT encrypted (can be parsed + read by anyone)
# v4 now
npm install --save next-auth
# in the course it uses v3
# npm install --save-exact next-auth@3
# prettify except .next folder
prettier -w . '!**/.next'
npm install --save mongodb
npm install --save bcryptjs
import { hash } from "bcryptjs";
hash(password, 12); // for salt number, the higher the more secure
We shouldn't clash with these pre-defined APIs
next-auth sets some cookies when successfully logged in
export function getServerSideProps() {
// can't use getStaticProps() as it needs to get rendered every incoming request
Anyone can send request to the API routes
Thus, they must be protected as well, not only the ui side