IMPORTANT: With me finding out that MALClient exists, the motivation for this project was almost all lost. Among me just generally watching less anime. So this project is just abandoned. I might pick it back up at some point, but it's not that useful for most people I imagine.
Version 2.0 currently a WIP (However, it will function pretty much as expected... hopefully)
A tool to let me store the anime i have watched and plan to watch with the addition of a description, rating, score, personal comments and the ability to instantly get the anime watch page. The main idea behind this program was just to allow me to quickly and easily see what anime i plan to watch and be able to get to it quickly. This program is a remake of an old C# application I made and released on MAL (MyAnimeList) at the age of 16. That version of the application was created in C# using the WPF Microsoft GUI framework which is a pain to deal with.
The application was pretty much made as a way for me to quickly learn how to use electron and vuejs. Thinking back, I should have done some more research since I found that CEF and exist and are in languages that I am much better at (C++ or C#, Mainly C++). But here we are, a vuejs/electron cross world thing.
The application was origianlly just meant to be something-something for myself, you know. However, a friend of mine wanted to start learning vuejs along side me. So I started commenting the code in order to allow him to understand what was going on. Some of the files were not commented since I got lazy and figured he was starting to get the hang of it without my help so I am sorry if the comments are directed towards somebody personally or if some of the files are not commented to the best of my ability. I shall eventually get around to fixing it but it shall remain that way for now.
yarn install
yarn add electron
yarn electron:serve
npm install
npm install electron
npm run electron:serve
Credit to vn-ki on github for indexing idea and implementation. Never knew bypasses for cloudflare were a thing.
Credit to nklayman for the electron-vuejs CLI plugin used to initialize the program.
Frameworks Used: