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Use Cases
You can look at out Use Case Diagram here
##Use Case 1
Name: Sign-up
Description: Registering to the system as a member
Actor: Guest User
- User must select sign-up button.
- User must not be registered earlier with an e-mail address which exists in database.
Basic Flow:
- User provides a user name and a password
- User provides an e-mail address.
- User enters name and surname (optional)
- User selects gender, nation, country and age (optional)
- User selects interest areas (optional)
- User must confirm general terms and conditions of agreement
- User receives a confirmation e-mail and registration is completed.
- Guest becomes a member.
- User can log in the system via e-mail address and password
##Use Case 2
Name: Relation
Description: Adding a Relation Between 2 Different Topics
Actor: Registered User
- User must be registered and logged in.
- The topics to be related must exist.
Basic Flow:
- User clicks "Create a Relation" button.
- System prompts the user to enter the topics.
- User enters related topics.
- User clicks the "Submit" button.
- Topics become related.
- The relationship is shown in the graph with a line
- This activity of relating two different topics is added to user's action history.
##Use Case 3
Name: Sign-in
Description: Logging into the system
Actor: Member
Pre-conditions: No pre-condition
Basic Flow:
- Member enters the log-in panel and types e-mail address/user name and password.
- Member clicks sign - in button or hit enter button on keyboard.
- The system checks if the information which is provided by user matches in database.
- If given information is valid, the system enables user get into the system as member.
- If given user name/ e-mail address doesn't exist in the database, the system returns with a message saying that not registered user name/ e-mail address
- If given user name/ e-mail address exists in the system but the password does not match , the system returns with a message saying wrong password.
##Use Case 4
Name: Search
Description: Searching by topic, member or tag.
Actor: Member or Guest User
Pre-conditions: No pre-conditions
Basic Flow:
- User types a string in the search box.
- User selects from topic, member or tag options.
- User clicks on search button or hit enter button on keyboard.
- If the system finds any related results, it shall show the content to user.
- If the system couldn't find any result, the system shall return an error message that there is no such a content.
- If there are too many results, the system shall sort and group these results with some parameters (like popularity, rating or relevance).
##Use Case 5
Name: Asking Question
Description: Asking questions under a specific topic.
Actor: Member
Pre-conditions: The user must have logged in.
- User must be on the related topic.
- User must select ask-question button.
Basic Flow:
- User types the question on the provided blank box.
- User provides media(picture, video, sound etc...)(optional)
- User adds tags(optional)
- User labels his/her question as urgent, collective, or comprehensive(optional)
- User creates a relation with other question or topics(optional)
- New question can be seen by other users and answered by other members.
- System shall connect the question with specified questions or topics by provided information(tags, relations)
##Use Case 6
Name: Answering Question
Description: Answering a specific question
Actor: Member
Pre-conditions: The user must have logged in.
- User must choose the question to be answered.
- User must select answer-question button.
Basic Flow:
- User types the answer on the provided blank box.
- User provides media(picture, video, sound etc...)(optional)
- User adds tags(optional)
- User creates a relation with other question or topics(optional)
- New answer can be seen by other users.
- Owner of the question can tick the answer in order to show correct asnwer.
- System shall connect the answer with specified questions or topics by provided information(tags, relations)
- [Mehmet Doğan](Mehmet Doğan)
- [Işıl Kurt](Işıl Kurt)
- [Ömer Faruk Tayfur] (Ömer Faruk Tayfur)
- [Abdulmenaf Kasap] (Abdulmenaf Kasap)
- [Seha Yiğit Güryol] (Seha Yiğit)
- [Haluk Aydın] (Haluk Aydın)
- [Serpil Kuzu] (Serpil Kuzu)
- [Uğur Taş] (Uğur Taş)
- [Mert Even] (Mert Even)
##Milestone Reports
- [First Presentation Milestone Report] (First-Presentation-Milestone-Report)
- [Second Presentation Milestone Report] (Second-Presentation-Milestone-Report)
- [Final Presentation Milestone Report] (Final-Presentation-Milestone-Report)
- [Project Description] (Project Description)
- [Domain Analysis] (Domain Analysis)
- [Themes/Features] (Themes)
- [Personas] (Personas)
- [User Stories] (User Stories)
- [Communication Plan] (Communication Plan)
- [Requirements] (Requirements)
- [Responsibility Assignment Matrix] (Responsibility Assignment Matrix)
- [Use Cases and Use Case Diagram] (Use Cases)
- [Class Diagram] (Class Diagram)
- [Sequence Diagram] (Sequence Diagram)
- [Activity Diagram] (Activity Diagram)
- [Mockups] (Mockups)
- [Test Plan] (TestPlan)
##Meetings (451)
- [Week 1 Meeting - 09/26/16 Monday Ağaç Ev] (Meeting1 451)
- [Customer Meeting 1 - 09/29/16 Thursday BM-A2] (Customer Meeting 1 451)
- [Week 2 Meeting - 10/04/16 Tuesday BM-Lounge] (Meeting 2 451)
- [Week 4 Meeting - 10/23/16 Sunday BM-Lounge] (Meeting 4 451)
- [Week 5 Meeting - 11/9/16 Wednesday BM-Lounge] (Meeting 5 451)
- [Customer Meeting with Suzan Uskudarli- 11/18/16 Friday BM-Lounge] (Customer-Meeting-with-Suzan-Uskudarli)
- [Git Versioning System] (Git Versioning System)
- [Issue System] (https://guides.github.com/features/issues)
- [How to Write User Stories] (UserStoryWriting)
- [Requirements: What & How ?] (HowToRequirements)
- [Tutorial for Programming Environment] (Setup Tutorial)