A C# library that allows you to write and read from the console simultaneously
See ConsoleInteractiveDemo for a sample, but the gist of it is
// Create a CancellationToken so we can cancel the reader later.
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Create a new Thread that will print for us.
Thread PrintingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => {
ConsoleWriter.WriteLine("Hello World!");
ConsoleWriter.WriteLine("Hello World after 5 seconds!");
// Create a new Reader Thread. This thread will start listening for console input
// Handle incoming messages from the user (Enter key pressed)
ConsoleReader.MessageReceived += (sender, s) => {
// We got a cancellation command! Let's cancel the CancellationTokenSource.
if (s.Equals("cancel"))
// Start the printing thread.
For formatted output, use Minecraft's color and formatting code format.
ConsoleWriter.WriteLineFormatted("§aText §cwith §bMixed §1C§2o§3l§4o§5r§6s§a!");
will show up as the following:
It is important that you use the ConsoleInteractive.ConsoleWriter
and ConsoleInteractive.ConsoleReader
classes only.
Mixing and matching with System.Console
is not supported nor recommended.