!!!note The following steps will deploy the userguide in local mode. It means that you will use the light version with only english language and no pdf export.
- Clone the repo on the VPS
git clone https://github.com/broodminder/userguide /mellisphera/production/userguide
!!! note The path at the end is refered to the vhost VPS, you can choose the one that you want on local.
- Use a python virtualenv To manage different librairies version between userguide, hiveminder, flowminder, etc, we need to use a python environment. If you don't have already a python env, please use the following command.
pyenv virtualenv 3.11.2 userguide
Then activate it
pyenv activate userguide
Install all packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create .env file and replace variables
cp .env.example .env
In the .env file, replace the variable USERNAME by your local username from your machine.
- Export your environment
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs -0)
- Start the server
mkdocs serve -f mkdocs_test.yml
using a modified yml file or to have a lighter build (with no lang translation nor pdf generation)
- Verify your site On localhost:3000 if you use local starter or on the DNS you choose on your apache2 configuration.
But if you want to start the server with an apache2 configuration, you need to use the build.sh file which will build the documentation on copy it on the following folder /var/www/html/doc
`sudo ./build.sh`
This file allows for multiple options and configuration. By default we are not changing much in it except site title, theme and new language (be carrefull, the whole translation process is based on the list of langs setted on the yaml file)
theme: material
nav would allow to force the site doc structure tree, but the default output is fine too
The documentation has only one lang en. Here is the main folder structure :
For now we have en, fr, it, es, nl, jap languages. If we want to add a new lang, we need first to add it in the mkdocs.yml on the plugin part (i18n).
The easiest way is to copy the 'fr' part, append it at the end and change everything based on the new lang (you can find an example bellow).
- search
- i18n:
docs_structure: folder
fallback_to_default: true
reconfigure_material: true
reconfigure_search: true
- locale: en
default: true
name: 🇺🇸 English
build: true
- locale: fr
link: /fr/
name: 🇫🇷 Français
build: true
Home: Accueil
Quick start guide 🚀 : Guide de démarrage rapide 🚀
Sensors: Capteurs
Product range: Gamme de capteurs
General aspects: Aspects général
Scale Assembly: Assemblage de la balance
Yolink devices: Capteurs Yolink
Example setups: Examples de configurations
Data interpretation: Interprétation des données
BroodMinder Device Updates: Mise à jour des capteurs BroodMinder
BroodMinder Hub Updates: Mise à jour des hubs BroodMinder
Video Library: Bibliothèques de vidéos
Training Sessions: Sessions de tutoriels
General: Général
Tech Stuff and Physics: Tech Stuff and Physics
Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting
Repair Guide: Guide de réparation
Distributors: Distributeurs
Legacy Devices: Legacy Devices
About: A propos
- locale: i18n lang code
link: /i18n lang code/
build: true
# !!!! Then you need to translate by your self the following part
Home: Accueil
Quick start guide 🚀 : Guide de démarrage rapide 🚀
Sensors: Capteurs
Product range: Gamme de capteurs
General aspects: Aspects général
Scale Assembly: Assemblage de la balance
Yolink devices: Capteurs Yolink
Example setups: Examples de configurations
Data interpretation: Interprétation des données
BroodMinder Device Updates: Mise à jour des capteurs BroodMinder
BroodMinder Hub Updates: Mise à jour des hubs BroodMinder
Video Library: Bibliothèques de vidéos
Training Sessions: Sessions de tutoriels
General: Général
Tech Stuff and Physics: Tech Stuff and Physics
Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting
Repair Guide: Guide de réparation
Distributors: Distributeurs
Legacy Devices: Legacy Devices
About: A propos
After you finish everything, the translation will be done on the server at the end of the pull. It is based on the chatGPT API (chatCompletions) and it can take time cause we use only the gpt3.5-turbo model.
You have different commands to use the mkdocs framework.
Create new project
mkdocs new my-project
Launch the development server at (default)
mkdocs serve
Building the documentation html site
mkdocs build
- MKDocs user guide https://www.mkdocs.org/
- converting Word to Markdown https://word2md.com/
- converting to pdf https://github.com/zhaoterryy/mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin This one is still explored, having an issue ongoing
- NOTE : Install all missing libraries with brew (same installer for python and mkdocs) to have everything in the same path
This resource details all available plugins and options for Material Theme https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/ https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/lists/
use the mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin https://github.com/zhaoterryy/mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin Note that this plugin is based onto WeasyPrint https://weasyprint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html
Works on MacOs and Linux.
Note for Mac users : use brew to install ALL packages and dependencies. Sometimes conflicts can arise if not all packages are installed in the same environment (ex Anaconda python or pip conflicting with Brew python3 or pip3)