This is repository for coupling PFLOTRAN into CLM in DOE sponsored NGEE-Arctic Project. It's keeping updates from PLOTRAN-Dev as soon as possible.
The model coupling aims to provide a full alternative solution for CLM-CN's surface-subsurface C/N biogeochemistry and thermal-hydrology, i.e. PFLOTRAN.
This repository is the PFLOTRAN portion for coupling. The CLM portion is in E3SM repository, branch /fmyuan/lnd/elm-pflotran.
UPDATE: (2019-04-05) The coupling with E3SM Land Model (ELM) now is working.
- The repository contains master and FIVE(5) branches for different versions of PETSc:
- the most updated PFLOTRAN codes forked from
- only a few minor changes.
- NOT suggested to use coupling run, rather as a stand-alone PFLOTRAN.
- updated: 2019-04-01
(1) pflotran-elm-interface
- the current development version of clm-pflotran, specifically for testing all thermal-hydrology (TH) and biogeochemistry (C) portion.
- PFLOTRAN: It's keeping updating with master, and with most recent PETSc-dev
- The current STABLE version of clm-pflotran, specifically for testing all thermal-hydrology (TH) and biogeochemistry (BGC) portion.
- PFLOTRAN: 6571d9ae3d1cdd699bfc993155c958173e76c20f [6571d9a]. It's older (Updated: 2017-03-09) than 'default', and with PETSc-dev version 3.7.x.
- Stable CLM Version: CLM4_5_35. (2017-04-25). STATUS: TH & BGC coupling is STABLE.
- Target ELM Version: ELM v1. STATUS: STABLE for
. (2017-06-27); UNDER test forTH mode
- for BGC coupled PFLOTRAN, with PETSc 3.8.x. TH coupling is not available.
- It's working with ELM v1.1 above. May not be working with CLM.
- for BGC coupled PFLOTRAN, with PETSc 3.9.x. TH coupling is not available.
- It's working with ELM v1.1 above. May not be working with CLM.
(1) git clone the repository
git clone
(2)[OPTIONAL] git checkout your specific branch, e.g. 'default-release-v3.7'. The default is 'pflotran-elm-interface'
cd pflotran-interface
git checkout default-release-v3.7
(3a) if not coupled with ELM, this repository should be a stand-alone PFLOTRAN model.
- the Source code directory:
cd ./src/pflotran
- build it by issuing command:
make PETSC_DIR=$PETSC_DIR pflotran
(where $PETSC_DIR is your PETSC_DIR directory)
- check your repository (regression test):
(where $PETSC_DIR is your PETSC_DIR directory)
(3b) if coupling ELM with PFLOTRAN, need to build a library named as libpflotran.a.
cd ./src/pflotran-elm-interface
FIRST, run specific make script to softlink PFLOTRAN source code files (*.F90).
make link_common_src
(OR, make clean_common_src
to unlink PFLOTRAN source code files, and only leave PFLOTRAN-ELM interface codes)
SECONDLY, build the library (vertically-only mode ON)
make PETSC_DIR=$PETSC_DIR column_mode=TRUE libpflotran.a
(OR, make PETSC_DIR=$PETSC_DIR th_characteristic_curves=TRUE smoothing2=TRUE debugbuild=TRUE libpflotran.a
for a library with '-g -O0')
FINALLY, build CLM (ELM) with this library.
I. Macro (CLM) or Macro.make (ELM) or Macro.cmake (ELM master since@2019-07) modified, BY any means, to include $PFLTRAN_INC and to link $PFLOTRAN_LIB -
ifeq ($(MODEL),clm)
ifeq ($(MODEL),driver)
(ELM master since@2019-07)
if("${MODEL}" STREQUAL "clm")
if("${MODEL}" STREQUAL "driver")
II. config_compilers.xml editing for each supported machine. NOTE: after './case.setup', edit 'env_mach_specific.xml' to modify PETSC_PATH (or PETSC_DIR), CLM_PFLOTRAN_SOURCE_DIR, as user-defined.
<!-- for CLM-PFLOTRAN coupling, the PETSC_PATH must be defined specifically upon machines -->
<env name="PETSC_PATH" compiler="gnu" mpilib="openmpi">/software/user_tools/current/cades-ccsi/petsc4pf/openmpi-1.10-gcc-5.3</env>
<!-- hack for PFLOTRAN coupling (this is a temporary solution, and user must manually edit env_mach_specific.xml after case.setup, IF needed)-->
<env name="CLM_PFLOTRAN_SOURCE_DIR">/lustre/or-hydra/cades-ccsi/proj-shared/models/pflotran-interface/src/clm-pflotran</env>
<env name="PFLOTRAN_LIB"> -L$ENV{CLM_PFLOTRAN_SOURCE_DIR} -lpflotran -L$ENV{PETSC_DIR}/lib -lpetsc -lmetis -lparmetis</env>
III. Specifically, for ELM build with PFLOTRAN, as external module. (e.g., branch 'elm-pflotran-II') In this way, ELM source codes will have copied all PFLOTRAN source codes ONLY into:
AND, add the following line in ELM building config file ($SRCROOT/components/clm/bld/configure):
+ "external_models/pflotran-interface/src/clm-pflotran",
"cpl" );
If setting software environments (specifically PETSc library), the whole ELM building process will automatically setup source codes and dependecies for coupled component, and e3sm.exe usable for either standalone or coupling simulation.
UPDATED: 2019-08-06