- ✍ Focusing on Fullstack and Web3 (Bitcoin, EVM, Solana) Developement.
- 🌱 Built several significant projects based on Bitcoin, Solana network.
- 💼 Now built Rune Pumpfun of Nutmarket, $DOG Marketplace of $DOG to the moon, Raffle, Multisigwallet of Covault on Bitcoin, Also working on creating an Rune Burn creation tool on Bitcoin.
- 🔍 Researching Bitcoin Layer 1 | Lightning | Bitvm | Fractal | Defi
from bitcoinlib.wallets import Wallet
from bitcoinlib.transactions import Transaction, Output, Input
from bitcoinlib.encoding import address_to_scriptpubkey, decode
# Configurable parameters
WALLET_NAME = "My Wallet Name"
SENDER_ADDRESS = "sender_address_here"
RECIPIENT_ADDRESS = "recipient_address_here"
SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY = "private_key_here" # WIF format
NETWORK = "bitcoin" # Use "testnet" for testing
FEE = 0.0001 # BTC
# Create or load wallet
wallet = Wallet.create(WALLET_NAME, keys=SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY, network=NETWORK, witness_type='segwit')
sender_key = wallet.get_key(SENDER_ADDRESS)
# Fetch unspent transactions (UTXOs)
utxos = wallet.utxos_update()
if not utxos:
raise ValueError("No UTXOs available for the sender address.")
# Select UTXOs to cover the transaction amount and fee
selected_utxos = []
total_input_value = 0
for utxo in utxos:
total_input_value += utxo.value
if total_input_value >= AMOUNT_TO_SEND + FEE:
if total_input_value < AMOUNT_TO_SEND + FEE:
raise ValueError("Insufficient funds to cover the transaction amount and fee.")
# Create outputs
outputs = [
Output(AMOUNT_TO_SEND, address_to_scriptpubkey(RECIPIENT_ADDRESS, network=NETWORK))
# Add change output if there's leftover input value
change = total_input_value - AMOUNT_TO_SEND - FEE
if change > 0:
outputs.append(Output(change, address_to_scriptpubkey(SENDER_ADDRESS, network=NETWORK)))
# Create transaction
tx = Transaction(network=NETWORK)
for utxo in selected_utxos:
tx.inputs.append(Input(utxo.txid, utxo.vout))
# Sign transaction
# Verify transaction
if not tx.verify():
raise ValueError("Transaction verification failed.")
# Broadcast transaction
tx_hex = tx.raw_hex()
print(f"Raw Transaction Hex: {tx_hex}")
response = wallet.network().sendrawtransaction(tx_hex)
print(f"Transaction Broadcasted. TXID: {response}")
import * as bitcoin from "bitcoinjs-lib";
import { ECPair, payments } from "bitcoinjs-lib";
import axios from "axios";
export class BitcoinService {
private network: bitcoin.Network;
constructor(network: "mainnet" | "testnet") {
this.network = network === "mainnet" ? bitcoin.networks.bitcoin : bitcoin.networks.testnet;
* Fetch UTXOs for a given Bitcoin address.
* @param address Bitcoin address to fetch UTXOs for.
* @returns Array of UTXOs.
async fetchUTXOs(address: string): Promise<any[]> {
const apiUrl =
this.network === bitcoin.networks.bitcoin
? `https://blockchain.info/unspent?active=${address}`
: `https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/address/${address}/utxo`;
try {
const response = await axios.get(apiUrl);
return response.data;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Error fetching UTXOs: " + error.message);
* Create and sign a Bitcoin transaction.
* @param senderAddress Sender's Bitcoin address.
* @param privateKey WIF private key of the sender.
* @param recipientAddress Recipient's Bitcoin address.
* @param amount Amount to send in satoshis.
* @param fee Transaction fee in satoshis.
* @returns Signed raw transaction in hex format.
async createTransaction(
senderAddress: string,
privateKey: string,
recipientAddress: string,
amount: number,
fee: number
): Promise<string> {
const utxos = await this.fetchUTXOs(senderAddress);
const keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(privateKey, this.network);
const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network: this.network });
let inputValue = 0;
// Add UTXOs as inputs
utxos.forEach((utxo) => {
if (inputValue < amount + fee) {
inputValue += utxo.value;
hash: utxo.txid,
index: utxo.vout,
witnessUtxo: {
script: Buffer.from(utxo.script, "hex"),
value: utxo.value,
if (inputValue < amount + fee) {
throw new Error("Insufficient funds.");
// Add output for recipient
address: recipientAddress,
value: amount,
// Add change output if needed
const change = inputValue - amount - fee;
if (change > 0) {
address: senderAddress,
value: change,
// Sign inputs
return psbt.extractTransaction().toHex();
* Broadcast the signed transaction.
* @param txHex Raw transaction hex.
* @returns Transaction ID.
async broadcastTransaction(txHex: string): Promise<string> {
const apiUrl =
this.network === bitcoin.networks.bitcoin
? `https://blockchain.info/pushtx`
: `https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/tx`;
try {
const response = await axios.post(apiUrl, txHex, {
headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
return response.data.txid || response.data; // Blockstream API returns txid
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Error broadcasting transaction: " + error.message);