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Add missing CODEOWNERS file #5

Add missing CODEOWNERS file

Add missing CODEOWNERS file #5

Workflow file for this run

name: E2E Pushing Tests
concurrency: e2e-tests
permissions: write-all
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# Each job has to have this configuration because secrets can be passed through the output of
# another job
- name: Generate discourse configuration
id: configuration
run: |
echo "discourse= \
{ \
\"hostname\":\"\", \
\"category_id\":\"41\", \
\"api_username\":\"${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME }}\", \
\"api_key\":\"${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}\" \
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup Python
run: |
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip git
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- name: Prepare for action to run
run: |
# Create metadata.yaml file
echo "name: $(echo ${{ github.repository }} | sed 's:.*/::')-test" > metadata.yaml
# Create documentation index file
mkdir docs
# need some values in the content that change on every commit as discourse looks for file
# similarity
echo -e "# Charm Upload Automation Reconcile Test Index Title some uuid: $(uuidgen)\n" \
"placeholder index content for testing, " \
"repository: ${{ github.repository }}, " \
"branch: ${{ github.head_ref }}, " \
"commit sha: ${{ github.sha }}, " \
"some uuid: $(uuidgen)" \
> docs/
echo -e "# Charm Upload Automation Reconcile Test Documentation Title some uuid: $(uuidgen)\n" \
"placeholder documentation content for testing, " \
"repository: ${{ github.repository }}, " \
"branch: ${{ github.head_ref }}, " \
"commit sha: ${{ github.sha }}, " \
"some uuid: $(uuidgen)" \
> docs/
echo -e "# Charm Upload Automation Reconcile Test Documentation Alternate Title some uuid: $(uuidgen)\n" \
"placeholder documentation alternate content for testing, " \
"repository: ${{ github.repository }}, " \
"branch: ${{ github.head_ref }}, " \
"commit sha: ${{ github.sha }}, " \
"some uuid: $(uuidgen)" \
> docs/
- name: Prepare stage
id: prepare-stage
run: |
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 tests/e2e/ --action prepare --github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} '{}' '${{ steps.configuration.outputs.discourse }}'
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
echo "Tags"
echo $(git tag -l | cat)
COMMIT_SHA=$(git log | head -n 1 | sed -En "s/commit\ //p")
echo "commit_sha=$COMMIT_SHA" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Draft self test
id: dry-create
uses: canonical/discourse-gatekeeper@main
discourse_api_username: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME }}
discourse_api_key: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
dry_run: true
base_branch: "tests/base"
commit_sha: ${{ steps.prepare-stage.outputs.commit_sha }}
- name: Check dry creation
run: |
echo '${{ steps.dry-create.outputs.topics }}'
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 tests/e2e/ --action check-draft --github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --action-kwargs '{"expected_url_results": []}' '${{ steps. dry-create.outputs.topics }}' '${{ steps.configuration.outputs.discourse }}'
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
echo "Tags"
echo $(git tag -l | cat)
- name: Create self test
id: create
uses: canonical/discourse-gatekeeper@main
discourse_api_username: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME }}
discourse_api_key: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
base_branch: "tests/base"
commit_sha: ${{ steps.prepare-stage.outputs.commit_sha }}
- name: Check creation
run: |
echo '${{ steps.create.outputs.index_url }}'
echo '${{ steps.create.outputs.topics }}'
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 tests/e2e/ --action check-create --github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --action-kwargs '{"expected_url_results": ["success", "success", "success"]}' '${{ steps.create.outputs.topics }}' '${{ steps.configuration.outputs.discourse }}'
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
echo "Tags"
echo $(git tag -l | cat)
- name: Add docs key to metadata
id: add-docs-key
run: |
echo "docs: ${{ steps.create.outputs.index_url }}" >> metadata.yaml
cat metadata.yaml
git status
git add -u
git commit -m "Update metadata"
git push
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
COMMIT_SHA=$(git log | head -n 1 | sed -En "s/commit\ //p")
echo "commit_sha=$COMMIT_SHA" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "Tags"
echo $(git tag -l | cat)
- name: Update self test
id: update
uses: canonical/discourse-gatekeeper@main
discourse_api_username: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME }}
discourse_api_key: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
base_branch: "tests/base"
commit_sha: ${{ steps.add-docs-key.outputs.commit_sha }}
- name: Show pages
run: |
# The previous action should have created a PR to fix the formats as well as file naming
echo '${{ steps.update.outputs.pr_action }}'
echo '${{ steps.update.outputs.pr_link }}'
- name: Check update
id: check-update
run: |
REPO='${{ github.repository }}'
# This should also merge the PR, and the next action run should automatically close the PR
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 tests/e2e/ --action check-update --github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --action-kwargs "{\"expected_url_results\": [\"success\", \"success\", \"success\"]}" '${{ steps.create.outputs.topics }}' '${{ steps.configuration.outputs.discourse }}'
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
COMMIT_SHA=$(git log | head -n 1 | sed -En "s/commit\ //p")
echo "commit_sha=$COMMIT_SHA" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "Tags"
echo $(git tag -l | cat)
- name: Close Merged PR
id: update-closed
uses: canonical/discourse-gatekeeper@main
discourse_api_username: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME }}
discourse_api_key: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
base_branch: "tests/base"
commit_sha: ${{ steps.check-update.outputs.commit_sha }}
- name: Delete the alternate doc with delete_topics disabled
id: alternate-doc-deleted
run: |
rm docs/
sed -i '/alternate-doc/d' docs/
git add -u
git commit -m "Delete docs/"
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
COMMIT_SHA=$(git log | head -n 1 | sed -En "s/commit\ //p")
echo "commit_sha=$COMMIT_SHA" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Delete topics disabled self test
id: e2e-test-delete-topics
uses: canonical/discourse-gatekeeper@main
delete_topics: false
discourse_api_username: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME }}
discourse_api_key: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
base_branch: "tests/base"
commit_sha: ${{ steps.alternate-doc-deleted.outputs.commit_sha }}
- name: Show pages
run: echo '${{ steps.e2e-test-delete-topics.outputs.topics }}'
- name: Check delete topics disabled
run: |
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 tests/e2e/ --action check-delete-topics --github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --action-kwargs '{"expected_url_results": ["success", "skip", "success"]}' '${{ steps.e2e-test-delete-topics.outputs.topics }}' '${{ steps.configuration.outputs.discourse }}'
- name: Delete the doc with delete_topics enabled
id: doc-deleted
run: |
rm docs/
sed -i '/doc/d' docs/
git add -u
git commit -m "Delete docs/"
echo $(git log | head -n 1)
COMMIT_SHA=$(git log | head -n 1 | sed -En "s/commit\ //p")
echo "commit_sha=$COMMIT_SHA" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Delete topics enabled self test
id: e2e-test-delete
uses: canonical/discourse-gatekeeper@main
discourse_api_username: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME }}
discourse_api_key: ${{ secrets.DISCOURSE_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
base_branch: "tests/base"
commit_sha: ${{ steps.doc-deleted.outputs.commit_sha }}
- name: Show pages
run: echo '${{ steps.e2e-test-delete.outputs.topics }}'
- name: Check delete topics enabled
run: |
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 tests/e2e/ --action check-delete --github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --action-kwargs '{"expected_url_results": ["success", "success"]}' '${{ steps.e2e-test-delete.outputs.topics }}' '${{ steps.configuration.outputs.discourse }}'
- name: Clean up
if: always()
run: |
REPO='${{ github.repository }}'
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 tests/e2e/ --action cleanup --github-token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --action-kwargs "{\"github_token\": \"$GITHUB_TOKEN\", \"repo\": \"$REPO\"}" '${{ steps.create.outputs.topics }}' '${{ steps.configuration.outputs.discourse }}'