This script migrates issues from trac to gitlab.
- Component & Issue-Type are converted to labels
- Milestones are ignored (or: I did not get the script to set my one single milestone, so I set it manually)
- Comments to issues are copied over
- Wiki Syntax in comments/descriptions is sanitized for my basic usage
Usage: configure the following variables in in```` and run it (
python```). Make sure you test it on a test project prior, if you run it twice against the same project you will get duplicated issues.
- xmlrpc url to trac, e.g. ``https://user:[email protected]/projects/thisismyproject/login/xmlrpc```
- e.g.
- the access token of the user creating all the issues. Found on the account page, e.g.secretsecretsecret
- the destination project including the paths to it. Basically the rest of the clone url minus the ".git". E.g.jens.neuhalfen/task-ninja
- Maps milestones from trac to gitlab. Milestones have to exist in gitlab prior to running the script (CAVE: Assigning milestones does not work.)
Python 2.7, xmlrpclib, requests
- Trac with xmlrpc plugin enabled
- Gitlab