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Rapidly mixing multiple-try Metropolis algorithms for model selection problems


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Rapidly Mixing Multiple-try Metropolis Algorithms for Model Selection Problems

This repository contains implementations of the paper

Rapidly Mixing Multiple-try Metropolis Algorithms for Model Selection Problems
Hyunwoong Chang*, Changwoo J. Lee*, Zhao Tang Luo, Huiyan Sang, and Quan Zhou,
accepted at NeurIPS 2022, oral-designated.

We study multiple-try Metropolis (MTM) algorithm (Liu, Liang, and Wong, 2000), which is an extension of the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm by selecting the proposed state among multiple trials according to some weight function $w(y|x)$. Below cartoon depicts how MTM algorithms choose the proposed state $y=y_2$ among $N=3$ trials $y_1,y_2,y_3$ from the current state $x_t$.

mtm illustration

We prove that MTM algorithm with locally balanced weight functions can achieve a mixing time bound smaller than that of Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm by a factor of the number of trials $N$, under a general setting applicable to high-dimensional model selection problems such as Bayesian variable selection, stochastic block models, and spatial clustering models.

Please see the folder R for the R software codes used in the simulation studies.

Example: Bayesian variable selection (BVS)

In this demo, we show an illustrative example with Bayesian variable selection (BVS) problems described in Section 4.1. of the paper. Consider a high-dimensional linear model with response $y\in\mathbb{R}^p$ and design matrix $X\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times p}$, where the number of predictors is much larger than the sample size $n$.

$$ y = X\beta + \epsilon, \quad \epsilon\sim N(0, \phi^{-1}I_n) $$

Under the sparse statistical model (Hastie, Tibshirani, and Wainwright, 2015) where $\beta\in\mathbb{R}^p$ has only few nonzero components, BVS seeks to find the best subset of predictors denoted as $p$ -dimensional binary vector $\gamma$ where $\gamma_j=1$ indicates j-th predictor is included in the model. The main interest is the posterior distribution $\pi(\gamma|y)$, and we sample from $\pi(\gamma|y)$ using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, such as multiple-try Metropolis (MTM) algorithm.

In this brief demo, we investigate the behavior of MTM focusing on implications of the main theorem in our paper:

  • As $N$ increases, mixing time of MTM algorithm becomes smaller by a factor of $N$.
  • Using the nondecreasing locally balanced weight function is necessary to establish such result.

First we generate simulated data according to Section 4.1.

## Load libraries, if not installed, install with: install.packages("package name")
library(mgcv) # for Cholesky update
#> Loading required package: nlme
#> This is mgcv 1.8-40. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
library(matrixStats) # for logsumexp

## data generation
n = 1000; p = 5000; # dimension of design matrix
snr = 4 # signal-to-noise ratio

s = 10; b0 = c(2,-3,2,2,-3,3,-2,3,-2,3); # true model size = 10
beta = c(b0, rep(0, p - s)) * sqrt( log(p)/n ) * snr # true coefficients

X = scale(matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n), center = T)
y = X %*% beta + rnorm(n)

# preprocess, take some time
preprocessed = list(
  XtX = crossprod(X),
  Xty = crossprod(X, y),
  yty = crossprod(y)

Now we set the initial state of the Markov chain $\gamma_0$, and evaluate the log-posterior value at true model $\gamma=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,\dots,0)$.

# initialize gamma (binary vector) s.t. 20 steps needed to reach the true model 
gammainit = rep(0,p) 
gammainit[, size = 10) + 10] = 1

# under hyperparameter settings kappa = 2, g = p^3
kappa = 2; g = p^3; 
strue = sum(beta!=0)
SSRtrue = preprocessed$yty - g/(g+1)*t(preprocessed$Xty[1:10])%*%solve(preprocessed$XtX[1:10,1:10],preprocessed$Xty[1:10])
logposttrue = -kappa*strue*log(p) - strue/2*log(1+g) - n/2*log(SSRtrue) # see eq. 13 of the paper

We run the MTM algorithms with $N=20,200$ and four different choices of weight functions:

  • $w_{\mathrm{ord}}(y|x) = \pi(y)$ (ordinary, not locally balanced)
  • $w_{\mathrm{sqrt}}(y|x) = \sqrt{\pi(y)/\pi(x)}$ (sqrt, locally balanced)
  • $w_{\mathrm{min}}(y|x) = \min(\pi(y)/\pi(x),1)$ (min, locally balanced)
  • $w_{\mathrm{max}}(y|x) = \max(\pi(y)/\pi(x),1)$ (max, locally balanced)
source("R/bvs_mtm.R") # MTM algorithm for BVS
# ntry = 20  
fit_ord_20 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  20, balancingft = NULL, burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                       preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> [1] "balancingft is not provided, using ordinary weight function w(y|x) = p(y)"
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  0.8634419 secs

fit_sqrt_20 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  20, balancingft = "sqrt", burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                      preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 9 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  0.64868 secs

fit_min_20 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  20, balancingft = "min", burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                     preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 11 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  0.710078 secs

fit_max_20 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  20, balancingft = "max", burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                     preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 9 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  0.690932 secs

# ntry = 200
fit_ord_200 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  200, balancingft = NULL, burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                     preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> [1] "balancingft is not provided, using ordinary weight function w(y|x) = p(y)"
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  1.384647 secs

fit_sqrt_200 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  200, balancingft = "sqrt", burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                      preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  1.293503 secs

fit_min_200 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  200, balancingft = "min", burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                     preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  1.309706 secs

fit_max_200 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  200, balancingft = "max", burn = 0, nmc = 2000,
                     preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> iteration 2000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 2000 MCMC iteration:  1.344248 secs

# plot 
plot(fit_ord_20$logpostout, type="l", main = "Trace plot of log posterior", xlab = "iteration", ylab="log posterior (up to a constant)")
lines(fit_sqrt_20$logpostout, col = 2)
lines(fit_min_20$logpostout, col = 3)
lines(fit_max_20$logpostout, col = 7)
lines(fit_ord_200$logpostout, col = 1, lty = 2)
lines(fit_sqrt_200$logpostout, col = 2, lty = 2)
lines(fit_min_200$logpostout, col = 3, lty = 2)
lines(fit_max_200$logpostout, col = 7, lty = 2)
abline(h = logposttrue, col = 4, lty = 2, lwd =3)
legend("bottomright",lty = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2),
       col = c(1,2,3,7,1,2,3,7,4),lwd = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3),
       legend = c("ord, N=20","sqrt, N=20","min, N=20","max, N=20",
                  "ord, N=200","sqrt, N=200","min, N=200","max, N=200",
                  "true model"))

We can check that MTM with $N=200$ converges to the true model roughly 10 times faster than MTM with $N=20$. Note that the elapsed wall-clock time for MCMC iteration is only about 2 times increased for $N=200$ compared to $N=20$ (not 10 times), thanks to the vectorized computation for $N$ weight functions.

In above example when $N$ is relatively small, $w_{\mathrm{ord}}$ shows no difference from locally balanced weight functions. Let’s see the behavior of MTM when $N$ becomes large such as $N=2000$:

### ntry = 2000
fit_ord_2000 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  2000, balancingft = NULL, burn = 0, nmc = 1000,
                     preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> [1] "balancingft is not provided, using ordinary weight function w(y|x) = p(y)"
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 1000 MCMC iteration:  4.016815 secs

fit_sqrt_2000 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  2000, balancingft = "sqrt", burn = 0, nmc = 1000,
                      preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 1000 MCMC iteration:  3.224952 secs

fit_min_2000 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  2000, balancingft = "min", burn = 0, nmc = 1000,
                        preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 1000 MCMC iteration:  3.184143 secs

fit_max_2000 = bvs_mtm(y, X, ntry =  2000, balancingft = "max", burn = 0, nmc = 1000,
                        preprocessed = preprocessed, gammainit = gammainit)
#> Run MCMC, initial model size: 10 
#> iteration 1000 model size: 10 
#> Elapsed time for 1000 MCMC iteration:  2.977435 secs

plot(fit_sqrt_2000$logpostout, type = "l", main = "Trace plot of log posterior", xlab = "iteration", ylab="log posterior (up to a constant)")
lines(fit_ord_2000$logpostout, col = 1)
lines(fit_min_2000$logpostout, col = 3)
lines(fit_max_2000$logpostout, col = 7)
abline(h = logposttrue, col = 4, lty = 2, lwd =3)
legend("right", lty = c(1,1,1,1,2), col = c(1,2,3,7,4),lwd = c(1,1,1,1,3),
       legend = c("ord, N=2000","sqrt, N=2000","min, N=2000","max, N=2000",
                  "true model"))

We can clearly see that MTM with $w_{\mathrm{ord}}$ stuck at local mode whereas others does not, which shows necessity of using locally balanced weight functions to achieve the mixing time bound improvement by a factor of $N$. We note that even with locally balanced weight functions, such improvement is subject to the rate condition on $N$ described in our main theorem.


Chang, H., Lee, C. J., Luo, Z. T., Sang, H., & Zhou, Q. (2022). Rapidly Mixing Multiple-try Metropolis Algorithms for Model Selection Problems. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS), just-accepted.

Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Wainwright, M. (2015). Statistical learning with sparsity. Monographs on statistics and applied probability, 143, 143.

Liu, J. S., Liang, F., & Wong, W. H. (2000). The multiple-try method and local optimization in Metropolis sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(449), 121-134.


Rapidly mixing multiple-try Metropolis algorithms for model selection problems







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