A Lisp dialect designed for codingworkshops
(defunc fib-recurse (n)
(var a 0) (var b 1) (var f 1)
(defunc calc-fib (i)
(if (<= i n)
(set f (+ a b))
(set a b)
(set b f)
(calc-fib (+ i 1)))
(calc-fib 2))
(defunc fib-while (n)
(var a 0) (var b 1) (var f 1)
(var i 2)
(while (<= i n)
(set f (+ a b))
(set a b)
(set b f)
(set i (+ i 1))
(= (fib-recurse 10) (fib-while 10) 55)
cd examples
elm reactor
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/Main.elm
import Lisa
doParse source =
case Lisa.processString source of
Ok program ->
-- do something with program
Err err ->
Err err
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