Releases: chiptunecafe/VGMCK_Arch
VGMCK 1.22
The T6W28's noise tuning has finally been corrected, which no longer requires detuning the square channels.
This release contains a template MML file along with 2 example files.
Special thanks to Christoph Neidahl/OPNA2608 for implementing the CI.
VGMCK 1.21
The Linear Feedback Shift Register of the T6W28 sound chip has been corrected to 15 bits, based on hardware tests.
To account for the resulting pitch change, all of the channels have been detuned.
This release contains a template MML file along with the 2 example files.
This fork fixes the End of File offset, so VGM players will no longer complain about it when playing exported tunes.
The command line syntax has also been improved. The new syntax is vgmck {input.mml} {output.vgm}
Some redundant features have been removed. (-L
option, directly write MML in cmd)
The example MML files from 1.1e are included.
VGMCK 1.1 (Original)
This is the original version of VGMCK which you can find on zzo38's website:
This release is purely for archival purposes.
Note: The syntax for this version is vgmck {output.vgm} < {input.mml}
VGMCK 1.1 + Example MML files
This is the original version of VGMCK, with two example MML files:
zzo38_cv_heaven.mml - An OPL3 cover of "Caverns of Zeus - Heaven" by zzo38. (
ItWasForTheChildren.mml - A T6W28 cover of "StarTropics - It Was For The Children" by TakuikaNinja.
Note: The syntax for this version is vgmck {output.vgm} < {input.mml}