A Containerized Python HTTP-triggered Azure Function which queries CosmosDB.
Useful for performance testing.
See the above links, the following are required to be installed:
- Azure Functions Core Tools, version 3.x
- Azure CLI, version 2.4 or later.
- Python 3.8 (64-bit)
- Docker
$ func --version
3.0.3734 <-- OK, version 3
$ func init --worker-runtime python --docker
$ func new --name HttpCosmos --template "HTTP trigger" --authlevel anonymous
$ func start
Found Python version 3.8.6 (python3).
Azure Functions Core Tools
Core Tools Version: 3.0.3734 Commit hash: 61192bb28820be76916f85209916152801483456 (64-bit)
Function Runtime Version:
HttpCosmos: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/HttpCosmos
I'll use curl in this repo, but you can use your preferred HTTP Client software.
$ curl -v http://localhost:7071/api/HttpCosmos
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Control-C to stop the Function App
Create a python virtual environment for the App, with these Python libraries in file requirements.txt.
I use pyenv to create python virtual environments, see pyenv.sh. Use your preferred tool/library for this. See pyenv.sh.
$ ./pyenv.sh
=== pip list ...
Package Version
------------------ ---------
arrow 1.1.1
azure-core 1.18.0
azure-cosmos 4.2.0
azure-functions 1.7.2
certifi 2021.5.30
charset-normalizer 2.0.5
click 8.0.1
idna 3.2
pep517 0.11.0
pip 21.2.4
pip-tools 6.2.0
pyspark 3.1.2
python-dateutil 2.8.2
requests 2.26.0
setuptools 49.2.1
six 1.16.0
tomli 1.2.1
urllib3 1.26.6
wheel 0.37.0
Edit the generated HttpCosmos/init.py script which implements the Azure Function.
This Azure Function expects the following environment variables:
The Function uses the first two to connect to your CosmosDB Account. You can get these values in Azure Portal.
AZURE_FUNCTION_SECRET1 is used to authenticate each HTTP request to prevent anonymous access. This same value must be passed from the HTTP client as the Auth-Token HTTP header value. See curl_client.sh.
AZURE_FUNCTION_MAX_QUERIES is used to specify a maximum number of Cosmos SQL queries that can be executed for each invocation of the Function.
The following is an example; see postdata/body1.json
The POSTed JSON body must contain database, container, and queries attributes as shown below.
Each of the elements in the queries array must be an object which contains the sql, (iteration) count, and verbose arguments.
The count is the number of times the sql query will be executed within the Function invocation.
The verbose flag, if "true", will return the documents returned by the sql query, in the HTTP response from the Function.
"database": "dev",
"container": "travel",
"queries": [
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'BOS:KEF' and c.id = '65629b25-f738-44c7-9406-985c50bbbcd4'",
"count": 1,
"verbose": "true"
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'GUM:MAJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"count": 1,
"verbose": "false"
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'CLT:MBJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"count": 3,
"verbose": "false"
See postdata.py which can be used to generate this JSON file.
In one shell (bash or PowerShell) window, start the function app:
$ func start
In another shell execute the HTTP client script:
$ ./curl_client.sh local_func
Modify this script to change cjoakim to your name.
$ ./build_container.sh
The containerized application is available as a public image on DockerHub:
$ ./compose.sh up
In another shell execute the HTTP client script:
$ ./curl_client.sh local_docker
$ ./compose.sh down
$ ./curl_client.sh azure
using url: https://cjoakimfunctions.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpCosmos
"_datetime": "2021-09-16 17:11:13.988846",
"_function_name": "HttpCosmos",
"_invocation_id": "2463fb52-13f8-4df3-a9e0-9e88675c88c2",
"cosmos_client_connect_seconds": 0.17673707008361816,
"post_data": {
"container": "travel",
"database": "dev",
"queries": [
"count": 1,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'BOS:KEF' and c.id = '65629b25-f738-44c7-9406-985c50bbbcd4'",
"verbose": "true"
"count": 1,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'GUM:MAJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"verbose": "false"
"count": 3,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'CLT:MBJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"verbose": "false"
"results": [
"client_query_ms": 196.7029571533203,
"docs": [
"_attachments": "attachments/",
"_etag": "\"1000e5bc-0000-0100-0000-613b6a970000\"",
"_rid": "pVIbAKevu-sDAAAAAAAAAA==",
"_self": "dbs/pVIbAA==/colls/pVIbAKevu-s=/docs/pVIbAKevu-sDAAAAAAAAAA==/",
"_ts": 1631283863,
"airlineid": "20402",
"carrier": "GL",
"count": "1",
"date": "2007/03/01",
"doc_epoch": 1631283859866,
"doc_time": "2021/09/10-14:24:19",
"from_airport_name": "General Edward Lawrence Logan Intl",
"from_airport_tz": "America/New_York",
"from_iata": "BOS",
"from_location": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point"
"id": "65629b25-f738-44c7-9406-985c50bbbcd4",
"month": "3",
"pk": "BOS:KEF",
"route": "BOS:KEF",
"to_airport_country": "Iceland",
"to_airport_name": "Keflavik International Airport",
"to_airport_tz": "Atlantic/Reykjavik",
"to_iata": "KEF",
"to_location": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point"
"year": "2007"
"idx": 0,
"seq": 1,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'BOS:KEF' and c.id = '65629b25-f738-44c7-9406-985c50bbbcd4'",
"x-ms-item-count": "1",
"x-ms-request-charge": "2.93",
"x-ms-request-duration-ms": "0.982"
"client_query_ms": 33.29801559448242,
"idx": 0,
"seq": 2,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'GUM:MAJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"x-ms-item-count": "1",
"x-ms-request-charge": "2.83",
"x-ms-request-duration-ms": "0.737"
"client_query_ms": 101.33194923400879,
"idx": 0,
"seq": 3,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'CLT:MBJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"x-ms-item-count": "0",
"x-ms-request-charge": "2.79",
"x-ms-request-duration-ms": "0.609"
"client_query_ms": 56.95390701293945,
"idx": 1,
"seq": 4,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'CLT:MBJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"x-ms-item-count": "0",
"x-ms-request-charge": "2.79",
"x-ms-request-duration-ms": "0.882"
"client_query_ms": 114.48121070861816,
"idx": 2,
"seq": 5,
"sql": "select * from c where c.pk = 'CLT:MBJ' offset 0 limit 1",
"x-ms-item-count": "0",
"x-ms-request-charge": "2.79",
"x-ms-request-duration-ms": "0.645"