What's Changed
- Added log tracing using B3 headers so transactions between TAS components will use the same trace ID, in #2446. Log file parsers might need to be updated to reflect this addition to the logs. In the example below,
- [ebf4f18ff75a4cfc64a70c2de8ff493b,64a70c2de8ff493b]
is the part that is added:
[2023-08-16T00:56:46.060135Z] uaa - 13 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-1] - [ebf4f18ff75a4cfc64a70c2de8ff493b,64a70c2de8ff493b] .... DEBUG --- UaaMetricsFilter: Successfully matched URI: /oauth/token to a group: /oauth-oidc
In some cases, the trace and span IDs will be blank:
[2023-08-17T01:53:42.790149Z] uaa/uaa - 17490 [main] - [,] .... INFO --- SpringSecurityCoreVersion: You are running with Spring Security Core 5.7.10
- Move refresh rotate check to refresh flow in #2437
Full Changelog: v76.19.0...v76.20.0