Disclaimer The code included in this repository is for demonstation purposes only. Further steps have to be made in order to make it secure.
The following README assumes a Mozilla's WebThings Gateway running at port 8080
- Apache2 web server at the same machine as Mozilla's WebThings Gateway
- mod_authnz_jwt (see the following section)
- mod_proxy (execute
sudo a2enmod proxy
andsudo a2dismod proxy_http
) - mod_headers (execute
sudo a2enmod headers
After installing all modules do not forget to restart apache by invoking systemctl restart apache2
mod_auth_jwt can be retreived from https://github.com/AnthonyDeroche/mod_authnz_jwt However, this code requires JWT to include some mandatory claims (see issue AnthonyDeroche/mod_authnz_jwt#39) If you do not want to use these claims you can alternatively install mod_auth_jwt from https://github.com/controlthingsopensource/mod_authnz_jwt
The JWT generation script provided in this repository does not use these claims
You can create an authorization serivce and issue JWT tokens yourself in order to test your setup. For this you will need
- PyWJT (
pip install pyjwt[crypto]
) - Openssl
Generate the private and public keys used for signing and verifying the JWT token. Note that the private key must be kept secret
- openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048
- openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem
Place privkey.pem in the jwt folder, make the appropriate modifications to the JWT creation script, and run it:
- cd jwt
- python3 JWT_create.py
The script outputs a token that can be used for accessing the GW.
Alternatively you can use the token provided in the "Using" section below which can be verfied using the public key included in the file apache\pubkey.pem
- Login to your webthings gateway, navigate to "menu, Settings, Developer" and select "Create local authorization".
- Select "Allow for all things" or choose a more fine-grained policy.
- Press "Allow" and copy the generated JSON web token in the appropriate location of webthings-gw.conf (replace
at line 2 with your token) - Replace example.controlthings.gr with your server name in webthings-gw.conf
- add webthings-gw.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-available
- add a link to webthings-gw.conf in /etc/apach2/sites-enabled (
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/webthings-gw.conf .
Execute the following command by replacing token
with the token generated in the previous step. If you have used the example public key provided in this repository then you can use the following token
- curl -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Accept: application/json" http://example.controlthings.gr/things