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Server installation guide

Simone Leo edited this page Mar 31, 2015 · 20 revisions

Software dependencies

Getting the source code

git clone --recursive git://

switch to the master branch:

git checkout master

The master branch will usually correspond to the latest stable OMERO release. If you need a specific release, you can switch to it by using the following command:

git reset --hard ${VERSION}

To check all available versions:

git tag -l

Finally, update the submodules:

git submodule update

Setting up the database

Refer to the official documentation

Deploying the custom Biobank models

Check out the OMERO.biobank source code:

git clone

and copy the custom model files to OMERO's model repository

cp ${BIOBANK_REPO}/models/*.ome.xml ${OMERO_HOME}/components/model/resources/mappings/

Configuring the server

Database connection


OMERO data directory

You can set the OMERO data directory in ${OMERO_HOME}/etc/, but this works only as a reminder. We will soon show how to configure it through the admin shell.

Patching the OMERO version

Since OMERO.biobank runs on a modified version of OMERO that uses custom models, a specific tag must be added to the omero.version property. This allows to perform a version check to ensure that the OMERO server supports the specific set of models used by the client. To apply the patch, run:

./utils/patch_ome_config --ome-home ${OMERO_HOME} --models-repository ${MODELS_REPOSITORY}

where ${MODELS_REPOSITORY} can be the models directory of the repository.

Increasing the amount of memory allocated to the Blitz process

In order to handle large datasets, you may need to increase the memory assigned to the Blitz process. Open ${OMERO_HOME}/etc/grid/templates.xml with a text editor, look for the <server-template id="BlitzTemplate"> tag and edit the following lines:

<server-template id="BlitzTemplate">
    <target name="Blitz-hprof">

The MaxPermSize parameter is required by Hibernate and represents an extra amount of memory that will be assigned to the Blitz server.

Increasing the maximum size of Ice messages

To handle large results from a single query, you need to increase Ice's maximum message size.

In ${OMERO_HOME}/components/blitz/resources/omero/, set:


In ${OMERO_HOME}/etc/ice.config:


In ${OMERO_HOME}/etc/grid/templates.xml:

<properties id="Basics">
  <property name="Ice.MessageSizeMax" value="${MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_IN_MB}"/>

Graph DB and Message engines

OMERO.biobank can use a graph DB to take advantage of a more reliable and faster lookup engine for the retrieval of the "chain of custody" of the various objects stored in the system. The libraries also need a message engine to synchronize data between the OMERO database and the graph DB.

We use Neo4j as graph DB and RabbitMQ as message engine. To install these tools, refer to the official documentation:

Neo4j and RabbitMQ configuration parameters must be set at the end of $OMERO_HOME/etc/ (these values will be retrieved when installing the OMERO.biobank API):

omero.biobank.graph.user=${NEO4J_USER} #optional
omero.biobank.graph.password=${NEO4J_PASSWORD} #optional
omero.biobank.messages_queue.port=${RABBITMQ_SERVER_PORT} #optional
omero.biobank.messages_queue.user=${RABBITMQ_USER} #optional
omero.biobank.messages_queue.password=${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}  #optional

NOTE 1: all variables listed as optional must be set only if you change the default Neo4j/RabbitMQ configuration.

NOTE 2: to set the above parameters when the server is already installed, use the omero config command (see below)

If you don't want to enable Neo4j and RabbitMQ (e.g., on a test server), append the following settings to ${OMERO_HOME}/etc/


Building the server and the DB schema

Build the server:


The build process may fail with the following error:

The system is out of resources.
Consult the following stack trace for details.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

In this case, open ${OME_HOME}/ with a text editor and increase the the value for -Djavac.maxmem.default in calculate_memory_args. For instance:

def calculate_memory_args():
    return "-Xmx600M -Djavac.maxmem.default=1024M -Djavadoc.maxmem.default=750M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m".split(" ")

Build the DB schema from hibernate classes:

${OMERO_HOME}/ build-schema -Domero.db.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

Generate the SQL code to initialize the DB:

${OMERO_HOME}/dist/bin/omero db script

The above command will prompt for the omero DB version and patch (press enter to use the suggested default values) and the root password.

Deploy the SQL file to the PostgreSQL server:


configure the data directory

${OMERO_HOME}/dist/bin/omero config set ${OMERO_DATA_DIR}

Starting the server

Start the OMERO server with the following command:

${OMERO_HOME}/dist/bin/omero admin start

Starting the graph manager

If you enabled Neo4j, you will also have to start the graph manager, a daemon that updates the Neo4j database according to the RabbitMQ queue status:


NOTE: to run the daemon, you have to install OMERO.biobank first.