#Search through KEGG annotated genome or metagenome for specific KEGG numbers and output matches to a file
#This is a python script so python will need to be installed on your system #To run the script search_kegg_genes.py requires three command line inputs - two paths to input files and one path to an output file.
#file1 - this is the list of kegg numbers you want to search for followed by a second column that includes the function/name of the gene (see examples cold_adapt_KEGG_list.txt)
#file2 - this is the genome file annotated with KEGG numbers - ex a file annotation file output by ghostkoala
#The third command line input is just a path/file name that you want to save your matches to.
#The script can be run as:
python search_kegg_genes.py path/to/file/1 path/to/file/2 path/to/output/file
#Example if you are working in the directory with all your files:
python search_kegg_genes.py cold_adapt_KEGG_list.txt ghostkoala_annotaiton.txt output_file.txt