This projects provides access to self hosted exchange spot which can be configured under your personal needs.
- In repository build npm source files into
npm run build
- Build go source binaries (you have to have go installed on your machine):
go install
go-bindata -pkg web -o gen/web/web.go -fs -prefix "dist/" dist/...
go-bindata -pkg migr -o gen/migr/migr.go -fs -prefix "db/migrations/" db/migrations/...
- Run project locally (with database in compose):
docker compose up
go run . --port 8080 --admin "[email protected]:password" --database "postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db?sslmode=disable" --telegram "@test" --email-creds "[email protected]:password"
go install
Configuration flags:
--port - Port on which to run application on
--host - Hostname, should be inintialized on production runs
--database - database connection string
--bestchange-token - token to access bestchange API
--admin - admin creds "email:password"
--email-addr - email client address
--email-port - email client port
--email-creds - email "login:password"
--telegram - telegram link
--cert-file - Cert file path (should be used for TLS)
--key-file - Key file path (should be used for TLS)
-h --help - Show this help message and exit
Minimal example (requires active postgresql database, can be started):
swap --port
- port on which program will runDATABASE
- database connection stringBESTCHANGE_TOKEN
- token to call bestchange api to receive exchanger rates infoADMIN
- user:password of main admin accountAPI_ADDR
- link to api should be self referenced api addressEMAIL_ADDRESS
- host of email addressEMAIL_CREDS
- creds for emailTELEGRAM
- telegram link @tlgCERT_FILE
- certificate fileKEY_FILE
- key file