serversock is a python module to create a server that can accept connection from multiple clients at the same time using multithreading.
serversock is listed in pypi so the installation is very simple
# in your terminal/CMD run
pip install serversock
# import package
from serversock.serversock import _server
# create class object
serverCTRL = _server(address, port, bufffsize)
The arguments of _server are defined below as
class _server:
def __init__(self, address:str, port: int, buffsize:int = 1024):
"""_server initialization
address (str): Enter Address like ''
port (int): Enter port number, example: 8080
buffsize (int, optional): message buffsize. Defaults to 1024.
After class object creation, start server
# start server
serverCTRL._start(serverfilename, responses)
The arguments of _start are defined below as:
class _server:
def _start(self, serverfilename:str, responses:int = 1):
"""start server
serverfilename (str): serverfilename to save server data
responses (int, optional): Number of response expected from client. Defaults to 1.
# import _client class from serversock
from serversock.serversock import _client
# create class object
clientCTRL = _client(serveraddress, serverport, serverbufflimit)
The arguments of _client are defined below as:
class _client:
def __init__(self, serveraddress:str, serverport:int, serverbufflimit:int = 1024):
"""_client class initialization
serveraddress (str): server address like ''
serverport (int): server port like 8080
serverbufflimit (int, optional): buffersize. Defaults to 1024.
After that client can perform a bunch of tasks like send a message, sync with the server and disconnect voluntarily.
send message and get response in return
- client can send message to the server that the server will save.
# send message clientCTRL._sendToServer(message)
sync with the server
- the server sends the complete data that the server has stored to the client in the form of a string.
# sync with the server completedata = clientCTRL._refresh() # this will return a string. # to get the list of lines in the file, do completedata.split('\n') completedata = completedata.split('\n')
disconnect voluntarily
# disconnect clientCTRL._disconnect()
# in terminal/CMD, run
serversock -v # or serversock --version
# in terminal/CMD run
serversock -h # or serversock --help
serversock can be uninstalled using pip
# uninstall
pip uninstall serversock